Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Trump lies again says Biden “didn’t win in Arizona. He lost in Arizona based on the forensic audit.”


 Arizona state Senate Republicans ordered a review of 2 million ballots in Maricopa County. The review found that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in Maricopa County by about 45,000 votes. That number was virtually the same as the county’s official canvass.


  1. Bravo Trump! Trump took US out of Obama Iran deal (the US Congress refused to ratify), tax cuts economic growth, vaccines, --- Now I follow Gen Milley in Senate and today in House, the 2 horrible bills Pelosi and Schumer want. I’m waiting for results of SCOTUS 20-8096 and 20-7986.

    Trump in his rallies is preventing passage of federal law to mandate mail-in-ballots without reason and without id numbers, rallying against restoring the horrific Iran-USA Obama/Biden deal, against raising taxes, against socialism etc Bravo Trump.

    With my UPS letters and no lawyer and no court fees---I’m rallying against illegal stealing of a man’s pension, for 27 years.

    Yes I got my full pension, $2,117, on September 1, 2021, first time in 27 years. Will I get my full pension October 1, 2021? Who knows? I hear nothing from America.

    Corrupt judges. Corrupt courts---feminism. She’s always right. Give her whatever she wants. I disagree with KA and IsraelReader. Mendel Epstein/Ralbag, Rackman/Morgenstern, ORA etc---are good people who just want to help her...

    On Arizona: Trump said that "millions of election-related files were deleted," including "a purge of the 'election management system' ... the day before the audit began."
    And Trump said "there were 17,322 duplicate ballots" which a computer scientist identified as having "surged right after the election was over."
    The audit examined mail-in-ballots only and found Biden won. Horrible system mail-in ballots for no reason and no id.

    Horrible system these feminist courts: Mendel Epstein/Ralbag, Rackman/Morgenstern, ORA, Agunah International. The 10 year jail sentence for Mendel Epstein is a step in the right direction. Sorry for those jailed. May God grant Mendel Epstein and all Jews a full pardon, long life, good heath, happy productive life.

  2. yes Trump tried to destroy democracy and you think that is great. He produced vaccines but didn't protect anyone besides himself. gave tax cuts to rich and lied about bringing jobs back.

  3. Rackman/Morgenstern, ORA,etc is not a feminist court - it is a BD which has innovated in halacha, and received criticism for doing so.

  4. Vaccines are not produced overnight. The vaccines that became avaialble in US, europe, Israel etc were to a great extent based onTrump emergency measures, - Pfizer is a US company with FDA emergency regulation. Biontech on its own could not have done this, it needed to partner with a big US pharma or European pharma to get its product off the ground.

  5. “Trump lies again says Biden” No. Watched yesterday the House hearings on 3 top generals. Pleasure when Republicans spoke-- to watch the generals squirm. Do the generals or does sleepy Joe take responsibility for the Afghan mess?

    Torah thought on this week's parsha בראשית
    Chullin 60b “R. Assi pointed out a contradiction [between verses]. One verse says: “The earth brought forth vegetation: seed-bearing plants of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good.” (Genesis 1:12). Referring to the third day, whereas another verse when speaking of the sixth day says: “When no shrub of the field was yet on earth and no grasses of the field have yet sprouted; because the Lord God had not yet sent rain upon the earth and there was no a man to till the soil,” (Ibid. 2:5). This teaches us that the plants commenced to grow but stopped just as they were about to break through the soil, until Adam came and prayed for rain for them; and when rain fell they sprouted forth. This teaches you that the Holy One, blessed be He, longs for the prayers of the righteous. R. Nahman b. Papa had a garden and he sowed in it seeds but they did not grow. He prayed; immediately rain came and they began to grow. That, he exclaimed, is what R. Assi had taught.”

    Beautiful. I pray end of all the Jew hatred in the UN and in the USA and in the world.

    I quote “If you see in a province oppression of the poor, and suppression of right and justice, don’t wonder at the fact: for one high official is protected by a higher one, and both of them by still higher ones.“ (Ecclesiastes 5:7).

    No one willing to take responsibility for the Afghan mess. Is sleepy Joe taking responsibility for his ill-advised decisions on bringing US troops to zero by end of August 2021, the drone attack on a man who hates the Taliban on his wife and children? Who mislead the generals to do the horrific drone attack?

    Can anyone tell me what happened SCOTUS on my 20-8096 and 20-7896 “DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 9/27/2021” ? I hear nothing, I see nothing on the internet. KA, IsraelReader, Garnel, Conservative Mom, you lawyers out there?

  6. He didn't lie about the jobs. Before CoVID hit the US was at 3% unemployment, a historic low, with record growth. It took incredible amounts of lying by the Left to deny that America was in the best shape it had been for years.
    And Trump never tried to destroy democracy. He never had a chance. The system was already rigged against him.

  7. It is very important for liberals to either deny Trump had anything to do with it or downplay the importance of the vaccines.

  8. “Trump lies again says Biden” No. Parsha בראשית Time frame question: Can I say Adam was alone after God created Adam? “The Lord God said: It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a fitting helper עזר כנגדו for him.” (Genesis 2:18). My theory. God immediately fashioned Eve, they got married, had sex, Eve delivered two grown up children immediately: Cain and Abel. According to Rav Assisi in Chullin 60b Adam prayed for rain. I say Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel all prayed for rain. The Garden of Eden doesn’t need rain: “A river issues from Eden to water the garden; and it then divides and becomes branches.” (Ibid. 10) I say Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel all prayed for rain before God placed them all in the Garden of Eden: “The Lord God took the man, and placed him into the garden of Eden to till it and tend it לעבדה ולשמרה.” (Ibid. 15).

    Are you following my time frame question, KA, IsraelReader, Joe Orlow, Garnel, Conservative Mom?

    In Wednesday House hearing Republicans viciously attacking 3 top US army generals with many time frame questions. Sleepy Joe agrees to Taliban demand of zero US soldiers by end of August 2021 the very latest. Sleepy announces his decision despite the 3 top US army generals warning him of the sheer stupidity and recklessness of it. This is like everyone told Sharon not to have zero Jews in Gaza in 2005. The Jihadist suicide bomber August 14, 2021 and the horrific drone bombing of Taliban haters travelling in a white Toyata Carolla August 29, 2021.

    What an embarrassment to Sleepy Joe. Israel always takes tremendous precautions to look out for Jihadist suicide bombers and for foul tricks of the enemy. Who advised the drone bombing August 29, 2021?

    What a foul trick Taliban did on Sleepy Joe. First get Sleepy Joe to agree to demand of zero US soldiers by end of August 2021. Then do Jihadist suicide bomber August 14, 2021, then get dopey US generals to approve taking out a family of Taliban haters travelling in a white Toyata Carolla...


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