Thursday, September 23, 2021

Covid disbelief amongst Chareidim

 I heard an eyewitness that Hadassah hospital is filled with young unvaccinated Chareidim with Covid. The minyanim have very few who wear masks. The following was recentlty published in Family First of Mishpacha magazine - no mention of masks or vaccination



  1. If you believes that Rebbes can perform miracles on a regular basis and that Gedolim have a special link to God that makes them infallible, then this is a necessary result.

  2. the above is pure sheker

    Ivermectin has no benefit whatsoever, and cna be dangerous if taken by humans without a doctor huiding them , and then only for its approved indications.

    who is "somekh"?
    He is a bum, a Jacob Frank who is also a rodeif and murderer.

  3. This is not a true story, but to illustrate a point.

    Once there was a man who claimed the sky is reddish-pink-yellow.

    People pointed out to him the sky is -- in fact -- blue.

    But sometimes after a late afternoon rain when indeed the sky does have a reddish-pink-yellow hue as the setting sun along with the dispersing rain clouds bathe the sky in an unusual light he would go around shouting, "I'm right!" and he would feel smug for days afterward.

    One day there was a forest fire and the smoke particles imbued the atmosphere with a reddish-pink-yellow palette for days.

    "Yup, guess you're right this time," people said to the man.

    The man felt their comments lent credence to his claim the sky is in fact not blue making him even more dismissive of any who doubted him.

    The point is that some people get an incredible feeling thinking they have some secret others don't, and these people so believe in their secret that that they want to share it with others, so that others may have the same pleasure of being part of the priveleged who are "in" on the secret and are benefiting from the secret.

    These people who grip the secret are not about to let go of it because of some logical argument that demonstrates the only thing inside their fist of is dust.

    It's easy to spot those with secrets that serve no purpose other than to soothe them: they don't want to be challenged. Either they leave no opening in the discussion for the secret to be challenged, and/or they change the topic of discussion when the secret is challenged, and/or they become belligerent when it is challenged, and/or they display consummate smugness as mentioned in the story, etc.


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