Sunday, September 26, 2021

Behind Tucker Carlson’s white replacement rhetoric, a frightening antisemitic history

 That prompted Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, to take the rare step of calling for Carlson’s removal in a letter to Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott.

“At ADL, we believe in dialogue and giving people a chance to redeem themselves, but Carlson’s full-on embrace of the white supremacist replacement theory on yesterday’s show and his repeated allusions to racist themes in past segments are a bridge too far,” Greenblatt wrote.

Carlson’s comments are far from original. His invocation of “importing a brand-new electorate” was originally “le grand remplacement,” the title of a 2011 book by Renaud Camus—no relation to Albert Camus.


  1. This was inevitable though. The best way to stoke extremism is through extremism. You have the Woke Folk who are actually shouting "We will replace White People" and then you're shocked - shocked! - when White people who still have power shout "We will not be replaced!"
    And as usual the Jews will suffer from both sides. The Woke Folk see us, even the Jon Greenblatt's, as uber-Whites. The Whites see us an enablers of the Woke Folk. Both will pause in their fight to join together to attack us.


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