Monday, August 2, 2021

Quotes show Democrats supported riots “when BLM was BURNING down cities and killing people in the streets!” 

 If Your Time is short

  • This is misleading. Some of the quotes are legitimate, and were made during or around the height of the Black Lives Matter protests over the summer. Some statements received backlash, but none specifically indicated that they meant anything besides peaceful protest. 

  • Other comments were made years ago and were not referring to any looting or violent civil unrest that occurred in 2020. 


  1. Politifact has the reliability of Izvestia or the Iranian news services. Multiple Black leaders came out in support of the violence. Now, you can say "Well yes, they're reacting to how slavery went essentially unpunished and they see this as payback time" but that's not what Politifact is doing. Just like reporters standing in front of burning neighbourhoods and denying to the camera that any violence was happening.

  2. Yes ignore the multiple statements condemning violence - as long as some leaders seem to be encouraging it - BTW who are these leaders and what did they say?


  4. Not only did Dems full-heartedly support BLM riots, many of them encouraged people to donate to the bail-out funds for those arrested at such riots for committing criminal acts of violence (Once such person who encouraged donating is Kamala Harris). To make it worse, they also very often claimed that violent riots were "peaceful" or "mostly peaceful" despite clear photo and video evidence that they were not. They gave lipservice to the destruction of property, businesses, livelihoods, and lives. Dems are a disgrace.

  5. Repeating a false claim doesn't make it true. Please provide some supporting evidence

  6. Wow that is the Democratic and Black leaders conspiracy of silence promoting rioting?! that is really all your evidence - Maxine Water's comment and a NY post opinion piece?

  7. She never even bothered to delete this.


  9. Do you base your reality on Republican talking points and social media promoting comments out of context?

  10. 3 replies in one? Seems you are a little on edge.
    "that proves what?"
    You baselessly called my claim "false." I cited the tweet that my claim was referring to, which proves my claim true. She literally tweeted that. She never even deleted the tweet to attempt to cover it up (And I know in that situation if I used wayback machine to quote her deleted tweet, you'd probably claim I'm lying or that it's fake). Do you know what truth is? Or do you now consider it to be only whatever Media Matters and the DNC says it is?

  11. Tweet proves nothing.
    Looks like you can't support your claim so you make personal attack instead

  12. No, the tweet is support for protestors who were arrested by police.

  13. Totally irrelevant - no evidence that she supported or encouraged violence - contrary to the Republican propaganda
    Citing accounting by the American Bail Coalition (a trade group of insurance companies who profit from underwriting bail bonds) and Hennepin County jail records, The Washington Post reported in September that all but three of the 170 people arrested during the protests were released from jail within a week. Of the 167 released, only 10 had to put up a monetary bond to be released, and, in most cases, the amounts were nominal, such as $78 or $100. In fact, 92 percent of those arrested did not have to pay bail — and 29 percent of those arrested did not face charges, the news outlet reported.

  14. She didn't specify who she was campaigning for bailing. Hence can't exclude support for them.
    What charges were brought on these protesters is irrelevant and she would not have known before they were released how the authorities would deal with them so your statement is a total red herring.

  15. Right! Maybe she was secretly hoping to help White Nationalists
    So your ruach hakodesh tells you her real purpose was to encourage violence. And who are we to disagree with a true prophet who believes in conspiracy theories and the Republican propaganda

  16. Politifact and the main media have no credibility anymore. They simply "report" what they think you should think the situation is, not the truth.

  17. So according to you my claim about her tweet is false, but then when I post the tweet as proof that it did in fact occur, just as I said it did, this "proves nothing?" No, it seems to prove that you have reading comprehension problems or have become a complete hack. Which is it?

  18. It looks more like you have a problem with derech eretz.
    Your claim is not supported by the tweet and it itself proves nothing

  19. According to your method of analysis would you also claim Trump incited a riot at the capitol on Jan 6 or is it only Democrats that can do that?

  20. Unlike Kamala, he never told anyone to commit a violent act, he called for peace, and he never raised money or encouraged others to donate money to bail out of jail those who commit criminal acts (which he didn't call for) at the Capitol. So it seems your whataboutism isn't working...

  21. Claim: She tweeted encouraging people to donate money to a bailout fund that bails out violent rioters when they are arrested for their violent criminal acts at riots.
    Tweet: Exactly what I claimed. That is her tweet that she tweeted.

  22. No evidence she was encouraging violence. Your claim is total nonsense.
    BTW do you believe Trump's claim that the election was rigged and that he is still president
    Most of those you claim were arrested as violent rioter were actually released without charges or bail! in other words there was no solid basis for arresting them. They were arrested as crowd control.
    But some prosecutors and law enforcement observers charge that departments carried out mass arrests as a crowd control tactic, as a means to silence peaceful protesters, and as a public relations strategy designed to turn the public against demonstrators by making them appear more violent than they were. And what’s more – some of the citing officers never witnessed the protests in the first place.The vast majority of citations and charges against George Floyd protesters were ultimately dropped, dismissed or otherwise not filed, according to a Guardian analysis of law enforcement records and media reports in a dozen jurisdictions around the nation.

  23. Nope Harris did not tell anyone to commit a violent crime - that is an outright lie that you are promoting Why?

  24. The 2 situations (BLM v. Capitol) are entirely different.
    BLM riots were sometimes policed properly and other times not. Capitol was not policed adequately .
    trump's delusions about a lost or stolen election were just that - delusions. That doesn't have any play on whether or not the BLM violence was somehow warranted.

  25. Really? What planet are you living on?

  26. And only those who think like you know the truth?! So about reporting facts that done agree with your dreams

  27. 3rd from the sun


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