Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Cuomo is a mini-Trump – it's always been obvious to anyone paying attention

It has always been obvious to anyone paying attention that Cuomo is a mini-Trump. He has the same appetite for authoritarianism as the former president: during the pandemic he has drawn scrutiny for cancelling special elections, issuing executive orders and consolidating power. Like Trump he has nothing but disdain for his detractors, particularly if they happen to be more qualified than he is. The New York Times recently reported that nine top New York health officials have resigned during the pandemic, with many of them telling the Times that Cuomo had asked them to match their health guidance to his decisions. But who needs experts, eh? Not the all-knowing Cuomo. “When I say ‘experts’ in air quotes, it sounds like I’m saying I don’t really trust the experts,” Cuomo said of pandemic policies in a recent news conference. “Because I don’t.”




  1. Hah! The hypocrisy! We were all paying attention and yet the media was telling us the opposite. This is the leader America needs! What a great guy! What a great job he's doing. Over and over. Because he was the anti-Trump.
    And now these same losers are coughing into their shirts and saying 'Yeah, well we knew all along..."

  2. LOL. Now "it's obvious." After the gatekeepers decided he must fall on his shield and the establishment will distance itself from him. Now it's ok to criticize Cuomo. Because the Democrat Party and its Propaganda Wing in the mainstream media gave the go-ahead.
    When we criticized Cuomo on this site, we were met with derision, denial, and lies to protect his reputation.

  3. Really?! Your memory is very creative!

  4. Recall, you continually denied that his nursing home executive order took place, despite me posting the link to it as direct proof. And what do you think so motivated you to defend this creep and his terrible actions that got so many seniors killed? Not his Democrat party affiliation and "leadership" role? The partisanship didn't influence you, not even one bit? Come on.

  5. Actually, Cuomo was in politics first and longer and Trump is actually a mini-Cuomo.

  6. Nope! You made absurd claims which were not supported by facts

  7. Except for the facts that I cited, including the original source from the NY Health Dept. I literally posted a copy of the executive order, and you still say it never happened.

  8. Nope, you denied that he was putting in place policies that were killing people. No, it was all Trump! No ventilators? Trump! People dying in nursing homes? Trump! Trump is the Jew of the political world - rarely guilty, always blamed.

  9. Just like Noam Chomsky denied the Khmer Rouge did anything wrong


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