Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Why was Maimonides controversial?

 7-All Jews must accept the 13 Principles of FaithControversial when proposed. 

Luminaries such as Hasdai Crescas and Yosef Albo asked: Is the rest of Judaism any less important? All agreed that the principles are indeed in Judaism, but many were uncomfortable with the idea of a formal creed, that would separate “good” Jews from “heretics”. More importantly, Judaism stresses action, that is commandments, not belief. Belief is not central in Judaism. Your thoughts are your own, and you are not accountable for them. So Jews ignored the 13 principles for many centuries.


  1. The 13 principles aren't more important than the rest of Judaism but they do form a sort of "inclusion code"
    Here's a great modern example - some of the "luminaries" at YCT reject Torah MiSinai and the historical truth of the Avos. But I'll bet they keep kosher, Shabbos and that their wives go to the mikveh on schedule. In short, they are Orthoprax if not Orthodox and that's there 13 ikkarim come in.

  2. Pick and mix - choose whatever judaism you want. The rejection of maimonides ikkarim is a no true Scotsman fallacy.
    What you are proposing is actually reconstructionist judaism rather than orthodox.
    Don't like monotheism? No problem, kabbalah has a trinitarianism in the sefiros.

    Like pantheism? Fine, there were frummers before Spinoza who held by it.

    Have gay tendencies? No problem, riskin will fix a heter for you, but be careful looking at women.

    Amulets? No problem, wasnt just Shabbetai zvi, but also reb yonasan Eibeschutz

    Don't like the oral Law? Well, there's a statement that in the future all laws will be abolished except for Purim. So maybe the tsedukim had it right all along...

  3. Of course it is. It is a reductio ad absurdum of the position taken above

  4. Another url mediated via google. Can you fix link?

  5. search with google Rabbi Mizrachi ,Maimonides

  6. Do you consider Chasidim as Jews?\
    Why if they don't fit with your understanding of Rambam?

  7. Actually it sounds like your cherry picked version of Judaism!

  8. according to whom. Can a person become a convert whilr rejecting any principle.
    Do you claim it is a necessary screening test for any minyan you participate in or to become an Israeli citizen?

  9. Misnagdim said this about the elokistim in chabad. So you are suggesting it's mainstream orthodoxy?

  10. Do you consider conservative as Jews? They've been around for over a hundred years, and reform for 200 or more.
    Jews doing something isn't proof of that something being Judaism. Aaron built the golden calf, isn't he an accepted authority?

  11. A nochri went to shammai and asked to be converted based on his acceptance of written law, but not oral law. Shammai rejected him, but Hillel accepted him.

  12. are you saying you regard chasidim the same as conservative Jews?

  13. Sefardic i do.
    hassidic, not for many years.
    Kashrut, i don't boycott any hechsher. There are statements made by rabbonim i may disagree with , but i don't reject kashrut. But that applies to sheviit, i accept all hechsers including heter mechira.

  14. Nope. Chassidim are not all the same. Breslov are not gur. Belz are not vishnitz. Lubavitch are not satmar. They keep Shabbes and kashrut, shatnez, etc better than conservative. Even giur is proper.
    (i don't know what conservative giur is). Conservative have gay-ur, gay weddings etc.

    Does that mean every teaching in chassidus is correct? I don't think so. Do you believe sam@el controls history? The Torah says that slavery, defeat and dispersion is punishment. And that G-d will rejoice in our punishment. Where does it say He hands over power to sam&el for kibbutz galuyot, victory and liberation?

  15. you asked "Can a person become a convert while rejecting any principle."
    In the case with Hillel, presumably he rejected the half principle of the oral law (it is part of the overall principal of Torah min ha shamayim).

  16. very funny
    except i am a maimonist/Emdenist/ Dor deah follwoer, and have long departed from R' Riskin's worldview


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