Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Conservative Case Against Banning Critical Race Theory


 The case against CRT, in short, is not about a fixed set of ideas. It is about wanting to avoid certain feelings of discomfort or even shame. But the right has encountered this idea before—and seemed not to like it. Until recently, commentators on the political right have claimed that universities are captured by “leftist” students who “don’t think much” about free speech, or who “don’t want to be bothered anymore by ideas that offend them.” A “jargon of safety” in universities, complained commentator Megan McCardle, is then used to “silence” those who don’t agree.

Ironically then, if there is a lesson to be learned from the war on CRT, it has nothing to do with how to talk about race—and everything with how the Trumpian revolution continues to devour the principles of American conservatism.


  1. Bulls--t. the case against CRT is that it is a hateful philosophy based on unsupportable assumptions intended to create legitimate hatred and persecution in society.
    All Whites are racists! The more you say you're not, the more you are!
    No non-Whites are racists. Suggesting that they are makes you racist! Especially if you're White because then you're already a racist!
    All this bafflegab by the liberal media has started up because there is already a backlash against CRT - the masses are recognizing how evil and potentially destructive it is and are pushing back. So the MSM reframes it - the pushback is the actual initial push! Something along the lines of how it was really the Poles who fired first on September 1, 1939 so WW2 is all their fault.

  2. Astute analogy.

    It must also be mentioned that Critical-Race-Theory is deeply infested with jewhatred, as every racialist ideology is.

  3. Thank you for asking.

    1) Concepts: it's based on the concept of intersectionality which is a merely collectivist ideology. All collectivist ideologies deny the individual and want to impose collective hierarchies on everyone. Which is hostile to every Jewish concept, right?, as well to single Jews.

    2) Proponents: every authority in adademia and politics who supports Critical-Race-Theory is an admitted enemy of Israel's existence, notorically siding with Israel's enemies. There is not one single aficinado who would support Israel as the Jewish state, or who would support Jewish self-defence. Instead they all side with BDS.

  4. Wow! that is not a proof but a note of correlation.
    Doesn't mean it is antisemitic. That is like dismissing the Republican party simply because it attracts conspiracy theories, bigots and antivaxxers

  5. You're deflecting. Would you name one single proponent of the Critical-Race-Theory who would not be a jewhater?

  6. I posted an article by one.
    So you are saying your claim is that it is anti jewish because Anti semites or anti- Israel people like it?!
    So if they also like Fox News you are saying the same thing

  7. https://forward.com/opinion/459785/whos-afraid-of-critical-race-theory-why-jews-should-embrace-the-rights/

  8. So "white supremacists" are assaulting Jews on American streets these days?

    So Ilhan 0mar and Rashida Tlaib who constantly incite to violence against Jews and against Israel are "white supremacists"?
    So Hamas and Fatah are affiliated with "white supremacists" and not with literally all leftist paties and organisations?

    Sorry, but you're fully delusional, sir.

  9. Wrong. You're again deflecting.

    It seems you would have said in 1966 that the recently founded PLO weren't necessarily anti-jewish because you found an article by one of those in which he claimed he weren't a jewhater.

  10. So "white supremacists" are assaulting Jews on American streets these days?

    So Ilhan 0mar and Rashida Tlaib who constantly incite to violence against Jews and against Israel are "white supremacists"?

    So Hamas and Fatah are affiliated with "white supremacists" and not with literally all leftist parties and organisations?

  11. Today's How-to Guide for shielding a pernicious leftwing ideology from criticism: Call yourself a "true conservative" and blame opposition to it on Trump and Trumpism!
    It takes a serious degree of TDS to believe CRT or the opposition to CRT and its ugly philosophical principles has anything to do with Trump or Trumpism.

  12. I asked you three precise questions; you don't answer a single one.

    Answer the questions.

  13. I asked three precise questions; you don't bother to answer one of them.

    Answer the questions.

    P.S. And you repeatedly delete comments of mine. Which seriously orthodox site would delete comments of a fellow orthodox Jew-? Is this an orthodox Jewish site, or is this a leftist propaganda site?
    Answer this question too.


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