Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Conservative Media Is Amplifying the Critical Race Theory Opposition

The Black Lives Matter protest movement not only turned a spotlight on horrific incidents of police violence, but forced Americans to confront systemic racism and explore tragic moments in the country’s history. Thoroughly addressing the Tulsa Race Massacre, establishing Juneteenth as a national holiday commemorating the end of slavery, and shedding light on the racist origins of local and federal policing have helped spur a long-overdue reckoning. But conservative lawmakers and the right-wing media industry are now hell-bent on stifling educators from teaching about America’s history of racism and how it still impacts people of color today. 

In making “critical race theory” their new culture war scapegoat, conservative networks have relied heavily on reactionary commentary coming from concerned parents and school employees. Over the past few weeks, Fox News featured numerous guests who fit that bill, but in the cases of 11 of them, the network failed to fully disclose their professional conservative ties, according to a report from the progressive nonprofit Media Matters for America. The news watchdog found that Fox introduced the guests as everyday Americans––teachers, members of school boards, and parents of students––who just want to voice their concerns. But the network either downplayed or omitted their conservative career ties, such as GOP strategist, think tank staffer, Republican lobbyist, and professional pundit. 


  1. That blacks are being routinely mistreated by police officers is a pernicious myth. In black areas, the problem is not that they're heavily policed, ipcha mistabra, the dearth of policing is the problem! A gang culture and a "snitches get stitches" mentality results in rampant crime, a large portion of which goes unsolved. If the BLM movement were interested in things other than looting and rioting, matters such as improving conditions in black areas, they'd be calling for more police presence, not for its complete abolition.

  2. There are cities with a large black population, like Detroit, where it's not just that the official murder rate is high, but many murder cases simply go unsolved. What do you think causes that?

  3. Stop changing the topic - You made a claim - please back it up with proof not conjecture

  4. I didn't "change the topic." If I've said something that you find irrelevant, then maybe we're not on the same page. It'd be helpful if you'd be specific as to what claim I made that requires proof.

  5. This was your claim - I want to see you prove it
    "That blacks are being routinely mistreated by police officers is a pernicious myth. In black areas, the problem is not that they're heavily policed, ipcha mistabra, the dearth of policing is the problem! A gang culture and a "snitches get stitches" mentality results in rampant crime, a large portion of which goes unsolved. If the BLM movement were interested in things other than looting and rioting, matters such as improving conditions in black areas, they'd be calling for more police presence, not for its complete abolition."

  6. Sure. Let's break it down.
    >>That blacks are being routinely mistreated by police officers is a pernicious myth
    Based on the accusations made by BLM supporters, who call for police departments to be completely defunded and abolished, one could be forgiven for concluding that American cops are psychopaths marauding after innocent blacks. Even those who aren't affiliated with black causes and don't impute such malice to cops, are convinced that there's at least something wrong with the way blacks are treated by cops. Now, I agree that blacks are treated _differently_ from, say, whites, but it's not mistreatment. Different treatment is justified because blacks pose a greater danger; from 1908-2008, blacks were ~8 times more likely than whites to be homicide offenders (; blacks, who are ~13% of the U.S. population, made up 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1908-2008 ( Incidentally, cops aren't the biggest threat to the safety and well-being of young black men, other young black men are. Such numbers and facts must be taken into account when assessing claims of mistreatment by cops. When they are, the claims don't hold water.

    >> In black areas, the problem is not that they're heavily policed, ipcha mistabra, the dearth of policing is the problem! A gang culture and a "snitches get stitches" mentality results in rampant crime, a large portion of which goes unsolved.
    In areas with a large black population, it's quite often the case that murder rates are high, but clearance rates are low. In 2019, the clearance rates for murder in Detroit and St. Louis, two cities plagued by violent crime, was 51.27% and 39.18%, respectively ( It's not that cops don't _want_ to solve murders in those areas. It's that they can't because of the prevalent norm of physically harming (to the point of murdering) anyone who'd work with them, who'd be labeled a "snitch." Here's one very sad case, unfortunately, one of many:

    >If the BLM movement were interested in things other than looting and rioting, matters such as improving conditions in black areas, they'd be calling for more police presence, not for its complete abolition
    I take it that the rioting and looting part is familiar to everyone. Given the reality I've just described, isn't it clear that calling for fewer cops in black areas is a disastrous policy? Doesn't it make more sense to support cracking down on violent crime, in the form of gang violence, and working to eradicate the "you snitch, you get shot" mentality? Yet, in discussions prompted by the so-called BLM movement, one is much more likely to hear about plans to get rid of the police than to hear about any of that.

  7. Again, this is the Woke crowd reacting to the backlash they created with their racist CRT. They shouted "All Whites are racist! Society is evil Defund the police!" And then people pushed back so now they're saying "We never said that, you invented it so you could attack us!"

  8. >>"That blacks are being routinely mistreated by police officers is a pernicious myth "

    Please stick to this claim! Not what you think the blacks are doing wrong or should have greater police protection. .

  9. Blacks' actions are directly related to that claim. If blacks are disproportionally represented in such categories as homicide offenders and a pose, on average, a greater danger to police officers who deal with them, do you not think that it's indeed a pernicious myth to say that blacks are just routinely _mistreated_ by those officers, implying that the latter are just racist and don't value black lives? It's a myth in that it's, despite what many believe, not true; cops' treatment of blacks is motivated by completely rational misgivings and thus doesn't constitute mistreatment (treating, say, a black murder suspect the same way you'd treat a white murder suspect would be irrational, it's a base rate fallacy). It's pernicious in that it leads to terrible policy offers, such as "defund the police!" or "keep cops away from black areas! whereas, in truth, improvement would come from more heavily policing crime-ridden black areas.

    If someone were going around telling Jewish people - youths!- that America is really not a malchus shel chesed and that they should be very wary of, if not downright hostile to, American police officers, everyone would realize why that's an awful falsehood. The only difference is that people think that cops really do pose this crazy threat to blacks, for no reason other than delusional racism.

  10. Nope I don't think your explanation makes sense!
    You seem to be saying there is no racial bias it is simply true that blacks are inferior, criminal and rapists much like those who say that it is simply true that Jews control the world and are simply a dangerous group that needs to be eliminated.Antisemitism is just a realistic response, BTW do also believe in Q and Greene?

  11. "Inferior" I didn't and wouldn't say. And chas vechalila that I should advocated that any group be eliminated or that all of its members be treated the same way, regardless of known differences between individuals. Black criminality seems to be an undeniable fact, based on both available data and just common sense. Would you tell your children to take a stroll down a predominantly black neighborhood at night? Would you feel seemingly distressed to have them visit a predominantly Jewish or Asian neighborhood? Now, there are people who agree that black areas are indeed significantly more dangerous and that black criminality is running rampant, but simply insist that it's all somehow caused by factors like poverty or societal treatment. Which, I guess, is why the poor residents of Mea Shearim are criminal, expect they aren't. Or why American Jews were criminal back when they were poor and discriminated against (and carried the baggage of having barely survived a bestial genocidal campaign in Europe), expect they weren't. The most popular explanations, certainly the ones propounded by black activists, just don't work.

  12. you are confounding 2 different arguments -

    the following statements are true, but not racist:

    a disproportionately higher number of jews are academics, nobel prize winners etc compared to general population.

    the same goes for the entertainment industry, finance, etc. psychology, science ...

    so we often take pride in such statements.

    Some crimes have higher numbers of blacks proportionate to their numbers in the general population. But also so do many sports, as does music.

    These are facts, i think they can be backed up by hard statistics.

  13. So you are saying the police bias against blacks is a pernicious myth because the police are afraid of blacks because of their higher crime rate?

    BTW black mothers also don't like living in high crime poor neighborhoods which is why Trump sounded the alarm about the danger they pose to white suburbs

  14. The ugly fact is that theres a high black crime rate. Why? That's a question for criminology.

  15. Yes. I am saying that police mistreatment of blacks is a pernicious myth because there is no mistreatment. Blacks pose a greater danger and are treated accordingly. Would it still be a good thing to foster better relations between cops and blacks and work to reduce overall violence? Sure. Does one achieve that by blaming and vilifying cops, convincing black youths that they are the victims of brutal racial persecution, and calling for the abolition of police departments? Absolutely not. American cops aren't anti-black any more than they are philosemites. How various populations treat them affects how those populations get treated by them. And if you want to see the treatment in black areas, there was a little artistic exhibit in Chicago organized by scantily-clad local women, which involved their interaction with a moving cop car.

    "White flight" is historically the result of black violence against whites, not some irrational fear of blacks. Do decent, noncriminal black people suffer as a result, too? Yes, probably. They don't want to live in crime-ridden areas, either. But, again, pointing fingers at everyone else isn't a viable solution.


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