Wednesday, July 7, 2021

4th Of July Shootings Across The Country Killed More Than 180 People

 More than 180 people were killed in shootings across the country over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive and reviewed by NPR.

By 11:30 p.m. on Monday, the Gun Violence Archive reported 189 people killed and 516 injured in shootings over the course of a 72-hour period starting Friday. In total, there were more than 540 shootings over the holiday weekend, the organization reported.

Those numbers may increase as the organization continues to collect statistics from the weekend.

News of major shootings in Chicago, Texas, Virginia and Ohio comes as many of the nation's largest cities are struggling to contain a continued rise in violent crimes. Officials from across the country had spoken of serious fears of a bloody summer earlier this year.

Albany, N.Y., Mayor Kathy M. Sheehan told The Washington Post in May that her city was experiencing a rise in gun violence. At the time, she said she was "really worried" about the approaching summer months.

Some major cities faced concerns about violent crime last summer similar to what they do this year. In 2020, nearly 90 people were shot in Chicago over Independence Day weekend and 17 of them died.


  1. An examination of the statistics indicates that some racial groups are being shot at rates disproportionate to their representation in the population.

    Two points.

    Firstly, this heavily weighted towards one group data is because of privelege and historic bias when it comes to such things as body integrity (not having a bullet enter the body). All this is explained by Critical Flesh Theory and firearm-Marxism.

    Secondly, Congress and the Courts need to take up the issue of ensuring all races get equity shot. So if for example if "X" number of Group 1 get shot and this is 100% of the people shot in the city but Group 1 is only 50% of the population, then Group 2, which is the other 50% must be have "Y" number of people shot, where "Y" = "X".

  2. Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country but it tops the list. Funny that.

  3. No no no. The mayor of that city explained that paradox.

    The surrounding areas have lax gun laws. Predumably she means the criminals in Chicago go gun shopping in the 'burbs.

    Of course, crime is lower in the surrounding areas. To explain that phenomenon please refer to my comment elsewhere in this post.

    Systemic racism is what leads to faulty logic based on vaporous premises such as "that people should be responsible for their actions."

  4. It's matter of selective caring and reporting.
    If a White kills a Black, it makes national news. If a Black kills a Black, people look the other way. So we defund the police, Black-on-Black crime shoots through the roof and no one cares.

  5. More police won't help in and of itself. The New Justice requires the release of criminals after arrest.


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