Thursday, June 3, 2021

LGBT+ conversion therapy: banned on Facebook, but thriving in Arabic

 In recent years, a number of countries, including Brazil, Ecuador and Germany, have imposed total or partial bans on conversion therapy, which can include talk therapy, hypnosis, electric shocks and fasting.

In July 2020, a United Nations special rapporteur concluded that conversion therapy practices - long shunned by the mainstream medical community – can amount to torture and ill-treatment when conducted forcibly.
Despite increased global scrutiny, conversion therapy remains legal in most countries including in the Arab world, where LGBT+ people often face persecution or discrimination.


  1. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 4, 2021 at 2:09 AM

    speaking of conversion - I was looking at various opnions on using Gelatine from non kosher animals, whether cows not slaugthered kosherly, or chazir.

    Many poskim forbid it, but some permitted, including most notably Rav Chaim Ozer ztl.
    But looking at the chemical process, it has has been converted, over several steps into another chemical entity. Each step changes it , progressively. And the final product has different physical and chemical properties from the original, which was skin and bones. But it is also irreversible, it cannto be changed back into what it was originally - the raw material.

    well, that is my take on conversion, and I suppsoe it is different from lgbt conversion therapy!

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