Thursday, June 3, 2021

Gafni: Abbas is the most religious person in this government

MK Moshe Gafni commented on the formation of the Naftali Bennett-Yair Lapid government during a meeting of the Knesset Finance Committee on Wednesday.

Gafni said, "I was really worried. I heard that they were going to form a coalition and do things against the Torah there. For example, [Meretz chairman] Nitzan Horowitz will demand rights for LGBT people, as he calls it. The State of Israel going against the Torah? Inconceivable."

Gafni went on to say what ultimately reassured him. "Then [Ra’am chairman] Mansour Abbas came and lifted my spirits. He does not give LGBT rights. I did not trust Bennett. I thought he would concede. But there is Abbas. Abbas is the most religious person in this government.


  1. >The State of Israel going against the Torah? Inconceivable
    Does Gafni think before he speaks or do words just roll out of his mouth infiltered?
    The whole basis of Chareidi opposition to the State, to the army, to anything the seculars do is that "The state is not a halakhic state". Now he's shocked - shocked! - that the same state he condemns all the time for going against the Torah is - gasp! - doing against the Torah.
    Can we put these fools on mute for the next couple of years?

  2. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 3, 2021 at 9:00 PM

    He is pointing out the irony.
    It's not Abbas, but Bennett he is pointing to. He wouldn't count Abbas for a minyan.

  3. Was it Gafni or one of his henchman who praised the Nazis, y"sh, for keeping men and women separate in the camps because they felt tznius was important?

  4. Not sure who said that. Yosef mizrachi said something similar. He also claimed only 1 million real Jews were killed in the shoah, by his own calculations (on his toilet seat in monsey). But the difference was that gedolim criticised him for coming up with such drek

  5. The question should be , "who originates these idiotic claims"?
    Some are statements allegedly made by gadol hador - eg the chazon ish allegedly said it is apikorsus to say that more efforts at hatzoloh could have saved more Jews from the holocaust!. The statement implies that those who did save lives were apikorsim too, because they reduced the number from Eg 7 million to 6.

    Then there are downright errors made by a gadol, but it's perhaps something he picked up in yeshiva. For example, rav shach said that Rambam didn't study goyish philosophers, but learned philosophy by deriving it from chazal. In response, rav Lichtenstein pointed out that Rambam himself states that he learned the books of the philosophers.

  6. It was 3 or 4 elections ago and stated at a public forum, not a "I heard that so and so said..."
    It's not a new thing. The book "Eyes to See" also heard someone say it decades ago.


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