Friday, June 11, 2021

Formation of new government completed

 The Yamina and Yesh Atid parties have on Friday signed a coalition agreement ahead of the formation of a unity government for the State of Israel. The agreement concludes the work of assembling the new government, which is set to be sworn in this coming Sunday.

All coalition agreements were submitted to the Knesset Secretariat. The agreements, along with the new government's core principles, are open to the public and can be reviewed.

Prime Minister-designate, Naftali Bennett (Yamina) commented, "The signing of these agreements brings to an end two-and-a-half years of political crisis. We are faced with great challenges, and all the citizens of Israel are looking to us with hope."

"The government will work for the *entire* Israeli public - religious, secular, haredi, Arab – without exception, as one. We will work together, out of partnership and national responsibility, and I believe we will succeed."


  1. New pm who dons tefillin - aren't you proud?


  3. kippa is non binding, minhag at best
    Tefillin is a positive mitzvah based on the verses of the Shema in the Torah.
    so you do not care if someoen observes mitzvot, only that they should do everything the hareidi parties demand from them?

  4. Bizayon Alert

  5. If someone doesn't get the respect they think that they deserve, they probably don't deserve it.

    I don't know that he puts on Tefillin daily, or if he only puts it on when a photographer is around to do a photo shoot.

    Even if someone does put on Tefillin daily, it doesn't make them into a Tzaddik for the rest of the day.

    I can't vouch for the veracity of the story, but I heard, that he was asked about keeping the Halachos of "Taharas Hamishpacha". He allegedly answered, that his wife doesn't, but he does.
    You can try to understand his response, in any way that you desire.

  6. He was born secular, and is effectively a BT.

  7. How do you know he puts on Tefillin everyday or even most days?

  8. So telling stories without evidence.
    In any case, i am saying this might be first pm who puts on Tefillin and keeps kashrus. I don't know what menachem Begin kept, he avoided public chillul shabbat _ which was also a first.
    Doesn't mean i support Bennett's politics.

  9. KH: He was born secular, and is effectively a BT.

    IR: Therefore he gets a pass, and is exempt from keeping certain mitzvos?

    Also, if he knows about, but doesn't keep a certain Mitzvah, one that is known quite well, then he's not quite a BT.In fact, Halachically, he might be considered a Mumar (at least, Ledavar Echad).

    Finally, if we have someone who is not quite a BT yet, are they qualified to be in a leadership position, to decide what's good and not good, for the Chareidi society?

  10. Same chareidi society buried a certain feigele mumar ledavar gay, in chelkas rabbonim.

  11. Dov lipman most likely does, but was also savagely attacked

  12. It doesn't make any difference to you even if he does and davens 3 x a day.

  13. He decides what's good for the economy, and security. If he can do that, is not clear. Bibi was relatively good on both fronts, without tefillin.
    If hareidi society want "out" of the modern State, that's up to them. That is how neturei karta and brisk function.
    If they want "in" then they are like other sectors.

    A better question would be - is mansour Abbas a preferred partner to bibi or chareidi parties? Why do the many Jewish voters prefer funding Arab minorities, rather than hareidi yeshivas?

  14. I had friends who were called in off the street, to help make a Minyan for Mincha, for Menachem Begin, one Shabbos afternoon.

  15. Therefore - things are done with a nod and a wink, it's more to do with politics than Torah.

  16. In his retirement perhaps?

  17. No. He was the Prime Minister then, and they were invited into the Prime Minister's residence.

  18. Very good

  19. They don't say this about you and me.
    Woman sues ex-MK Dov Lipman for sexual harassment in counterclaim
    ...That lawsuit states Lipman and the accuser had worked together as activists against religious extremism in Beit Shemesh before the former became a member of Knesset.
    The complainant sought out his assistance, figuring that he would be able to use his new position of greater authority to advance their cause.
    But rather than simply offer his assistance, the lawsuit states that Lipman “repeatedly, in a completely inappropriate way, including repeated offers of contact, repeated requests for hugs and kisses, declarations that he needed and missed being hugged, intimate insinuations, evening invitations to one-on-one meetings in empty apartments, linkage of assistance in advocacy to intimacy, and other inappropriate and terrible behavior, particularly in view of his public role as a rabbi and a Knesset member.”...

  20. OK, i only read this story after i posted about him.
    Shame on the guilty party.
    If the same man was going through a divorce and wife was making allegations, i'm sure you would want ironclad proof.
    Unfortunately this behaviour is common amongst the... Various people around the world.

  21. Considering the unending stream of chilul haShem from the Chareidi parties for the last 30 years, I'd rather have a semi-religious guy who doesn't see spitting on his benefactors as a mitzvah.

  22. If it was a secular guy like gantz or lapid, they would be too afraid to curse him, in case he turns into king Yannai.

  23. Proud Conservative MomJune 18, 2021 at 5:47 AM

    That's a pretty accurate comparison.

  24. Proud Conservative MomJune 18, 2021 at 5:53 AM

    "I can't vouch for the veracity of the story, but I heard, that he was asked about keeping the Halachos of "Taharas Hamishpacha". He allegedly answered, that his wife doesn't, but he does."


    They BOTH have to adhere to it.
    Although, the wife plays the biggest part.
    It is mostly "on her."

  25. Proud Conservative MomJune 18, 2021 at 5:54 AM

    He is a freaking disaster, IMO.

  26. Proud Conservative MomJune 18, 2021 at 5:55 AM

    I am going to be sick...

  27. Proud Conservative MomJune 18, 2021 at 5:59 AM

    That is awesome!!

  28. Menachem Begin, one of the leaders, if not arguably *the leader of the Revisionist Zionists after he came to Israel prior to the founding of the state, and eventually the first prime minister from the rightwing camp, was the polar opposite of everything the charedi world today describes as "The Zionists" of that era. Really makes ya think

  29. But even fighting in self defense is "forbidden" by some crazies in the hareidi spectrum.

  30. Begin was an outsider, a pariah, and an outcast of the establishment Zionists. They hated Begin and the Irgun with a passion, and did all that they could to have Begin and members of the Irgun arrested by the British.

    Anyone who wants to understand Begin today, must read his book, "The Revolt" (Hebrew: המרד‎).

  31. But so were Jabotinsky, Netanyahu senior (and junior) etc.

    And Begin was the first PM who allied with the Hareidi parties, and effectively put them "on the map".

    There was nice picture of him meeting with Gedolim at Rav Moshe Feinstein's house, with Rav Hutner and Rav Yaakov all ztl sitting with him.

  32. Satmar, NK, Toldos Aharon, Brisk - all say it is assur to have an army.

  33. An excellent book.
    Despite all of that, Begin (and the Irgun) had a large base of popular support in Tel Aviv, and he played a large role (even though outside of the provisional govt) in the founding of the state. And the Revisionist movement played a large role in planting the seeds of zionism beforehand, involving the worldwide aliyah and youth movements (not to mention the Jewish Legion). So although the Jewish agency shunned their politics, it is fair to say this was a considerable ideological faction in the overall zionist movement. At various times there was overt or tacit cooperation between the "establishment" and the Jewish underground groups including a ~10-month period in 1945-46 when the Haganah actually joined forces with Irgun and Lehi in their anti-british so-called "terrorism" campaign, in a single coordinated resistance organization led by the highest levels of the establishment.
    And obviously despite the rivalry, political disagreements, and even the Altalena affair, the govt used the Irgun in military operations throughout the war of independence (both before and after the Altalena) in coordination with Palmach and other units. My point is merely to say that "Zionism" as a whole cannot be defined singularly (in an honest way) as the most far-leftwing ultra-secularist caricature we can cherry pick.



    The story also mentions Herzl, funnily enough.

  36. History = His Story


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