Monday, June 28, 2021

COVID: Was Israel wrong not to vaccinate children ages 12-15 right away?

 Also on Sunday, the Israeli Pediatric Society published a new position paper reiterating their support for the vaccine, and addressing the issue of possible side effects.

Prof. Tzachi Grossman, the head of the organization, and its colleagues wrote that the risk for a child to develop a severe form of COVID if infected – which stands at 1:3000 – outweighs that of developing a myocarditis – which according to US data for ages 12-17 stands at 1:16,000 (according to Israeli data for the age group 16-19, the occurrence was 1:6,000).

1 comment:

  1. The number 1 in 3000 doesn't seem accurate for severe COVID in that age demographic. Where are the numbers coming from, and how are they defining "severe?"
    Myocarditis needs to be compared like for like. A tough bout with covid in a young kid who has fever and shortness of breath for a while does not necessarily mean scarring of the heart. So what is meant by "severe" here?


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