Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Bennett is an 'evil' and 'wicked' Reform Jew who will rot, say haredi MKs

In a ferocious attack on Tuesday, the leaders of the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) parties United Torah Judaism and Shas denounced Yamina leader and likely incoming prime minister Naftali Bennett as “evil.” They said his government would “uproot religion” and called on him to remove his yarmulke.
Speaking in the Knesset in a joint press conference, Interior Minister and Shas leader Arye Deri, UTJ chairman MK Moshe Gafni and Housing and Construction Minister Ya’acov Litzman (UTJ) said reforms to religion-and-state issues laid out in coalition agreements drawn up by the nascent government would destroy the Jewish character of the State of Israel.


  1. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 9, 2021 at 1:25 PM

    "Bennett will reduce $$$ and encourage hareidim to learn trades, lefi chazal, therefore he is a rasha"

  2. Obviously you view him as Moshiach!
    Of course destroying religious society is simply collateral damage and there must be irrelevant

  3. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 9, 2021 at 3:36 PM

    Moshiach? Nope, I'm not a neo Lubavitcher,. His meretz /Arab partners won't allow him to build the temple.
    Destroy? How do you measure that? BTW, is learning a trade now assur, even though it was once a chiyuv?

  4. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 9, 2021 at 3:48 PM

    Presumably, "religion" for you does not include the 10 commandments, which were violated by thief Deri, nor perversion of justice by lizzzzzstman the rasha.

  5. This is a temper tantrum, clear and simple. Or, to paraphrase a famous quote from the Doctor Who TV show, "if you are not a Chareidi, you are an enemy of the Chareidim."
    The response from the Chareidi leadership and their Koolaid-drinking followers is entirely predictable. For decades they have had control of the sandbox. They got to play in it as long as they wanted to. They could control who else could play in it. They controlled the toys in the sandbox and even got someone else to pay for them. Now suddenly the other kids came into the sandbox, kicked them out and said "We get a turn too!" And without fail, they responds with the emotional maturity of a 3 year old who didn't get chocolate ice cream because she didn't eat her dinner but still felt she should - a loud temper tantrum.
    I am always fascinated at how conditional Chareidi "emunah" is. When the law protects them from the draft, "it's our Torah study that protects us and Israel." When they're under threat of being drafted, they don't study harder. They stop studying and go out to riot! And why don't they go to the army? "Our Torah students are the real soldiers protecting the country!" Except when the rockets start flying and they all go running to the centre of the country away from the danger.
    Now this happened. When Bibi was prime minister and giving in to their every demand, God was running the world. Suddenly they're out and oh no! God is missing! Where did He go? Because if He was running the world, this wouldn't have happened!
    It's pathetic, really.

  6. The only people destroying Chareid society are its leaders.
    The leaders who paskened not to observe pandemic restrictions and brought illness and death in large numbers to the community.
    The leaders who paskened "Learn, don't earn!" and have now impoverished 3 generations of people.
    The leaders who insisted that every brick in Meron is holy, even if it meant people had to die.
    The leaders who, through their increasing extremism and desire to pretend that "Chareidi=religious" alienated their RZ allies and annoyed the rest of Israeli society to the point of near-open hostility.
    The leaders who got so used to slurping from the government's trough under Bibi that when they had the chance to join Bennett, they refused because they couldn't conceive that Bibi would fall.
    That's who is destroying Chareidi society.


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