Tuesday, May 25, 2021

White supremacists, far-right groups behind most US domestic terror incidents in 2020, group says


 The vast majority of domestic terror events that have taken place in 2020 were conducted by white supremacist groups and other "like-minded extremists," according to a study by the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS).

The CSIS, which describes itself as a "bipartisan, nonprofit policy research organization," added in its study that while there has also been an increase in terror plots conducted by "anarchist" or "anti-fascist" groups this year, they accounted for 20% of domestic terror plots.


  1. Look, up here in Canada, if a physician administers a lethal injection to a consenting patient, it's not murder because the government changed the definition of murder to exclude it.
    So here too - there are anti-Semitic acts almost daily including the big cities and across campuses in universities. But they conveniently don't fit the limited definition of "terror" these groups use. In fact, it seems the only things that fit the definition are committed by alt-right groups.

  2. The Antisemitism in the American Universities and Colleges all stem from the Left. Neo-Nazis don't hang around Columbia or UCLA.

  3. And the antisemitism of the masses and and some of their leaders leaders is not in university and colleges

  4. Most of the mass physical violence against Jews in the United States and Europe comes from the left. Minorities, African Americans, Arabs and their supporters who have nothing to do with anything on the right.

  5. source?
    On my last trip to America I took a cab in Baltimore. The Black cab driver said he needed to keep the radio on so he could listen to the right wing program.

  6. What's that anecdote have to do with the Brooklyn Bridge?

  7. Listening to Rush Limbaugh, OBM, does not make one a radical right winger. Rush, Mark Levin and others have educated people of all colors and creeds to understand the Left and how it operates. A lot of Blacks are Woke to the machinations of the Democats.

  8. Source? You can probably find lots of sources from France about attacks on Jews. Pretty much 100% Arabs. not Neonazis.

  9. Wow!
    So your proof is from France not Canada or USAl

    Why not Israel or China?

  10. Neither does being a Republican or KKK or even a Neo Nazis!


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