Saturday, May 15, 2021

US House speeches on Gaza expose growing rift in Democratic party on Israel

 Nearly two dozen Democrats took to the floor of the US House of Representatives on Thursday to give impassioned speeches reacting to the ongoing violence in Gaza and Israel.

The hour-long salvo of brief addresses exposed the growing rift in the Democratic party between increasingly popular progressive lawmakers and more moderate representatives with closer ties to the Biden administration, with the former bloc taking a much more critical approach to Israel than the latter, which gave impassioned speeches offering unwavering support for the Jewish state.


  1. Torah thought on Shavuoth. Our covenant on Mount Sinai is like a marriage. We read Hoses Haftorah yesterday Hosea 2
    הושע פרק ב פסוק טז - יח
    (טז) לָכֵן הִנֵּה אָנֹכִי מְפַתֶּיהָ וְהֹלַכְתִּיהָ הַמִּדְבָּר וְדִבַּרְתִּי עַל לִבָּהּ:
    (יז) וְנָתַתִּי לָהּ אֶת כְּרָמֶיהָ מִשָּׁם וְאֶת עֵמֶק עָכוֹר לְפֶתַח תִּקְוָה וְעָנְתָה שָּׁמָּה כִּימֵי נְעוּרֶיהָ וּכְיוֹם עֲלֹתָהּ מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם:
    (יח) וְהָיָה בַיּוֹם הַהוּא נְאֻם יְקֹוָק תִּקְרְאִי אִישִׁי וְלֹא תִקְרְאִי לִי עוֹד בַּעְלִי:

    מלבי"ם הושע פרק ב פסוק טז
    לכן הנני מפתיה והולכתיה המדבר, מדמה אותה כמשל הזונה שראה בעלה שכל התחבולות שעשה להפרידה מן הזונים אין מועילים, יפתה אותה להוציא אותה מן היישוב ששם נמצאו הזונים אחריה אל המדבר ששם לא תמצא איש לזנות עמו ותתיחד עם בעלה לבד, ושם אדבר אל לבה להשיבה לאהבתי, וכיון בזה אל מ"ש ביחזקאל (כ' ל"ה) והבאתי אתכם אל מדבר העמים ונשפטתי אתכם שם פנים אל פנים, שהם הגליות שיגלו לבין העמים, שהגם שיהיו בין העמים יהיו דומה כאילו הם במדבר שממה, כי העמים יתרחקו מהם, ויהיו רעבים גם צמאים מוקפים מנחשים ועקרבים העוקצים אותם, ושם אמר והבאתי אתכם במסורת הברית וכו' שז"ש שיוליך אותה אל המדבר ששם יהיו תחת השגחת ה', ושם ידבר אל לבם שישובו אליו:

    “and I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples מדבר העמים, and there will enter into judgment ונשפטתי אתכם with you face to face. As I entered into judgment כאשר נשפטתי with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I enter into judgment כן אשפט with you, declares the Lord God. I will make you to pass under the shepherd’s staff, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant. I will remove from you those who rebel and transgress against Me; I will take them out of the countries where they sojourn, but they shall not enter into the land of Israel. Thus you shall know that I am the Lord.” (Ezekiel 20:35-38).
    Beautiful. My theory . This is a warning to rebels in America. Allow me update my 30-years legal case Aranoff v Aranoff. S far I have 4 on SCOTUS with my documents on public view:
    1. No. 20-7892 v NYS Court of Appeals case 2021-54
    2. No. 20-6525 v NYS Court of Appeals case 2020-352
    3. No. 18-9390 v NYS Court of Appeals case 2019-266
    4. No. 18-7169 v NYS Court of Appeals case 2018-840
    I’m expecting to file a new SCOTUS docket number for NYS Court of Appeals case 2021-359. I see on the web site Decision May 6, 2021 denied
    Mo. No. 2021-359 Susan Aranoff, Respondent, v. Gerald Aranoff, Appellant. Motion for reargument of motion for leave to appeal denied.
    Israel has the might and determination and international friends to defend herself. True, Biden/Harris says Israel has right to defend herself...but....
    My fight in Aranoff v Aranoff is to defend my assets: house and pension. I love that SCOTUS puts my documents on public view. I do the utmost to protect myself. We have a room shelter for me my wife, daughters, son-law and grandson. We get 2 minute warnings when we must run to our shelter. We prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

  2. The American left as well as the international left have been tolerating antisemitism in their ranks for many decades already.

  3. “US House speeches on Gaza expose growing rift in Democratic party on Israel” Terrible. My Translation/interpretation of Malbim on Hosea 2:16:
    Therefore, behold, I will allure her לכן הנה אנכי מפתי והלכתיה המדבר, likening her (Jewish people) as the parable (moral lesson) as the loose lady הזונה whose husband loves her and all his tricks and efforts he had done to separate her from her seeking lovers were useless, to take her out from the settlement where her lovers that were seeking her were found --- into the desert where she would find no one to prostitute with her, she would have only her husband alone to join to ותתיחד עם בעלה לבד. There I (God) would speak to her heart ושם אדבר אל לבה to return to My love. This is Ezekiel 20:35 “and I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples מדבר העמים, and there will enter into judgment ונשפטתי אתכם with you face to face. As I entered into judgment כאשר נשפטתי with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I enter into judgment כן אשפט with you, declares the Lord God.” That even though they (the Jewish people) will be among the nations it will be as if they are in a barren wilderness, for people will stay away from them, They will be hungry and thirsty and hungry surrounded by snakes and scorpions that sting them. There He said and brought you in the tradition of the Covenant, etc.. There He will lead her (the Jewish people) to the desert where they will be under the supervision of God תחת השגחת ה', and there He will speak to their hearts that they return to Him :

    My theory. God sent us exile to Babylonia when the wicked King N. captured Jerusalem. God sent us exile to America in the 20th century. In Babylonia we wrote the Babylonia Talmud. In America we had great rabbis and yeshivot. We wrote the Shottenstein Talmud etc. Thank you God for sending us to Babylonia and to America. We have to be worthy to live and prosper in Israel. We must study Torah...Is the exile in America at end? Is now the time for American Jews to make aliya? Biden/Harris and the Democrat Left are terrible...

  4. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 16, 2021 at 3:58 PM

    Tolerating? Or stoking?

  5. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 16, 2021 at 4:00 PM

    Biden /Harris are not the squad.
    The squad are anti Jewish.
    Biden so far is defending Israel, and better than Obama.

  6. Demographics is everything. The big Dem's who support Israel are old. The big Dem's who are anti-Israel are young. In a few years, those young Dem's will be the dominant leaders.

  7. Nope!
    Sanders is not young
    Don't see evidence to your claim


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