Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Republican congressman calls out 'bogus' claims by GOP colleagues trying to downplay the Capitol riot



  • Representative Fred Upton, a Republican from Michigan, said on Sunday that some of the claims his colleagues made about the Capitol riots are bogus
  • Paul Gosar, a Republican from Arizona, claimed the FBI was targeting 'peaceful patriots' when it arrests Capitol rioters
  • Andrew Clyde, of Georgia, said that if you did not know the footage from the riot was from January 6 'you would think it was a normal tourist video'
  • Jody Hice, meanwhile, said it was Trump supporters who were killed in the riot
  • Upton said at least one of his colleagues who made these claims was there that day and he does not know what would motivate them to make these claims
  • Lawmakers are trying to hammer out a deal to create an independent commission to study the events of that day
  • It remains unclear whether House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy will sign off on it, but some want him and the former president to testify


  1. From the following article by Conrad Black, https://amgreatness.com/2021/05/17/rage-of-the-nevertrumpers/

    The Lamest Insurrection Ever

    As for an insurrection, in the United States that would require control of the Armed Forces, the media, and much of the vast apparatus of the federal government. That’s what happens in the countries where there is a vulnerability to coups d’état.

    Trump urged his followers, aggrieved as he and they were at what they all thought, with some reason, to be a tainted election result, to demonstrate “patriotically and peacefully.” He did not counsel and gave no support nor knew anything about the hooliganism that occurred. It would have gone nowhere if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) or Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser had paid any attention to the requests the chief of the Capitol Police made in the preceding days for reinforcements. It would be gratifying if the same self-elevated custodians of American political virtue had managed any comment at all on the “peaceful protests” of last summer, which killed at least 50 people, wounded more than 2,000 police, and caused billions of dollars in damage. Where was the rule of law then as the police were being defunded by the Democrats?


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