Monday, May 10, 2021

Cancel Culture: Is Banning the Bible Next?

After all, isn't there slavery in the Bible, alongside discrimination against women, the handicapped, and non-Jews? Isn't there intolerance of gender-fluid identities and racism regarding certain nations? The Bible even calls for genocide against the seven Canaanite nations, and Amalek!

So why shouldn't the small group of "intellectuals," "progressives," and radical kings-and-queens who rule today's "cancel culture" approach the Bible censoriously too? What would better amplify their (illusion of) power than twitter-shaming all Bible-believers, or even burning entire chapters of that "culturally offensive" book?



1 comment:

  1. Don't think there won't be an attempt
    Secular liberalism is a religion. Just as the Chrisians and Muslims tried to suppress us and burned our books to show their dominance, so too secular liberalism will do what it takes to show theirs by oppressing organized religion.
    You will be able to be Jewish, of course, as long as you renounce anything that's actually Jewish.


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