Friday, May 21, 2021

Biden promises to replenish Iron Dome, help rebuild Gaza 

US President Joe Biden promised to replenish Israel's Iron Dome system and to help rebuild Gaza in a brief address he delivered at the White House shortly after the announcement that a truce had been reached to end 11 days of IDF-Hamas conflict on Thursday evening.
"The US is committed to working with the UN... and other international stakeholders to provide rapid humanitarian assistance and to marshal international support for the people of Gaza and the Gaza reconstruction efforts," he said.
"We will do this in full partnership with the Palestinian  Authority,  not Hamas, the PA, in a manner that does not permit Hamas to restock its military arsenal," Biden said.
"Palestinians and Israelis equally deserve to live safely and securely. My administration will continue our quiet relentless diplomacy toward that end. We have a genuine opportunity to make progress," Biden said.



  1. So we go back to the starting line. Iron Dome supplies get replaced, all the aid to Gaza goes to rebuilding the tunnels and restocking the rockets. Got it.

  2. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 23, 2021 at 9:48 PM

    Israel will IY'H have a laser dome for the next war. This was a test run by Iran /amalek who plan a missile war against us.


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