Monday, April 26, 2021


 Toldos Aaron Rebb (BaKehila 14th of Tammuz 5768 page 12): Concerning Rav Amram Blau, one saw that in reality that all the cracks in the wall of Yiddishkeit caused him great pain. His protests were an expression of his love of Jews and his fear of G-d. It hurt him that another Jew would sin and that pain - caused by his concern for others - brought him to protest. In contrast, the kano'im of today are motivated by the desire to destroy. They wake up in the morning with the single concern of what they can destroy that day. Their heads are not focused on serving G-d or how they can increase the honor of Heaven. They spend their days obsessed with wall posters and slander of others. There are no great men and leaders of Israel that they don't slander. This is not kana'us! This is the lowest form of degenerate personality. Someone who truly want to be concerned with G-d's honor knows that before any activity it is required to first ask a posek and talmid chachom to clarify if this particular activity is permitted by the Torah or not. We are Jews and therefore our path has to be that of the Shulchan Aruch. These hotblooded young men mistakenly think that their acts of destruction magnify the glory of G-d. I am telling you that this is not the path of kana'us! That is because true zealotry comes only from the motivation of truly loving Jews. When a Jew is hurt by the sins of another Jew he is not allowed to make any public response without first asking the guidance of gedolim concerning possible actions and he must submit to their views. However we have never seen before the approach of these modern zealots. These men are immersed in their evil ways and their sole concern is how to cause damage.


  1. Which zealots is the Rebbe referring to here?

  2. Jazz music was originally rebellious, but then accepted. When rock n roll came along, it was rebellious, but jazz was OK. Then came punk , which the old guard rock n roll people thought was rebellious..
    Amram blau attacking rav kook, was acceptable? So now you pay the price with the punk kanoim.

  3. >However we have never seen before the approach of these modern zealots
    Sure we have. Read about how Jerusalem fell in Gittin.

  4. Once you let the genie out of the bottle, you can't complain about the damage he does and say "But I never expected this!"

  5. It's not just meah shearim kanoim.
    Ponovezh kanoim also - first they mocked both rabbis Kook ztl. Then they physically attacked rav Goren at a levaya (how low can they get?)
    Since then they spend their time fighting each other, and beating their opposite faction's rebbeim.

  6. And then they become trolls on blogs - how low can they get!

  7. so you think it's OK to beat up a Rav at a funeral? That is good mussar in your book (or blog)?

  8. You think it is ok to create issues that are irrelevant?
    You keep posing questions which have no relevance!
    Should you put ketchup on ice cream?

  9. nope, they are perfect examples, and relevant to the subject matter posted.

    " These hotblooded young men mistakenly
    think that their acts of destruction magnify the glory of G-d. I am telling you
    that this is not the path of kana'us!
    That is because true zealotry comes only from the motivation of truly loving

    In Animal Farm, Orwell says "some are more equal than others " - since you/colleagues take some private pleasure at seeing Goren being beaten, it is uncomfortable to both affirm your post and reject the Ponovezh pigs at the same time.


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