Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Haredi ‘rabbi’ accused of being a covert Messianic missionary

Allegations have been made that an ultra-Orthodox ‘rabbi’ who admitted to being a Messianic missionary in 2014 has continued to cling to the Messianic movement & operate as a covert missionary.



  1. It seems that this missionary-"rabbi" was Michael Elkohen who used to be quite active on your blog.

    I would never in my life have imagined that, according to what he wrote here.

  2. He was quite knowledgeable, to fool many, myself included.
    The claims of being descended from the arizal should have been the red light warning sign that he was an imposter.

  3. You don't seem to like it, but the missionary in question is indeed Michael Elkohen, as confirmed in this article

    and in this blogpost

    You published many comments and some stand-alone posts by this person on your blog, often with the title "Rabbi" Michael Elkohen.

  4. I never suspected him of being a missionary, but it was obvious that he had a huge ego.

    He was a good learner and quite intelligent, but also hugely imbued with himself.

    I think this is more of a personality disorder than anything else. The people he damaged most are probably his children.

    I am very sorry to learn that he lost his wife, who seemed to be the love of his life and who seemed to be able to cope with his grandiosity. So I want to express my sincere condelences in case he reads this.

  5. He was quite grandiose with his kabbalistic aspirations, but I would never have suspected a christian missionary.

    I think he is more the "catch me if you can" type of personality: a very gifted imposter.

  6. They have been removed

  7. Mr Elk .
    Elkohen seems to be an arabic name more than a Jewish one.

  8. yep, traditions from Rav Agassi, and various grand Kabbalists

    he probably believes that on a certain mystical level , he has Jewish neshama, which he has rescued from Christendom

  9. Somewhere, he must have seen the truth of Torah - although they accept the Torah anyway. I'm pretty sure that his learning changed him - he could have done giur very easily if he had been honest - he was presumably shomer mitzvot.

  10. BiotechObserver


    should it be deleted? We should keep his crimes visible. Maybe there

    is something to learn about people who are intent on deceiving the

    Jewish world by seeing what kind of stuff he was pushing...


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