Sunday, April 25, 2021




  1. Looks off. Doesn't seem authentic, that a Beis Din would write that.

  2. LK is not an agunah.
    She's a Fakegunah.

  3. “Aguna?” I read closely Rabbi Gestetner’s 9/5/2018 letter to Mrs. Lonna Kin, wife of Meir Kin. My theory.
    Torah thought last week’s parsha
    ויקרא פרשת קדושים פרק יט פסוק יח
    לֹא תִקֹּם וְלֹא תִטֹּר אֶת בְּנֵי עַמֶּךָ וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ אֲנִי יְקֹוָק:
    רש"י ויקרא פרשת קדושים פרק יט פסוק יח
    לא תקם - אמר לו השאילני מגלך. אמר לו לאו. למחר אמר לו השאילני קרדומך. אמר לו איני משאילך כדרך שלא השאלתני, זו היא נקימה. ואיזו היא נטירה, אמר לו השאילני קרדומך. אמר לו לאו. למחר אמר לו השאילני מגלך. אמר לו הא לךת ואיני כמותך, שלא השאלתני. זו היא נטירה, שנוטר האיבה בלבו אף על פי שאינו נוקם:
    Looks to me Mrs. Lonna Kin is seeking revenge that her husband Meir left a get with Rabbi Gestetner. Rabbi Gestetner is concerned with bad bet dins. The seruvim were obviously issued by kangaroo/vigilante bet dins like in Mendel Epstein et al. Mendel Epstein in his last speech to the jury spoke about that he was in a Queens nightclub with a fellow siting with several ladies of the night.... Judge Freda granted rabbi Aryeh Ralbag immunity for his testimony to convict Mendel Epstein et al. Bravo Rabbi Gestetner is fighting kangaroo/vigilante bet dins.
    Really, what does Mrs. Lonna Kin benefit from keeping Meir out of shul? It’s just revenge, a sin. Bravo Rabbi Gestetner is fighting women seeking revenge. What’s the benefit to her?
    Allow me to talk of my case. The lady clerk at SCOTUS told me on Friday that I’m missing a document. She suggested that I simply send in the document, maybe with a cover letter. I sent a revision today I expect, God willing, to get a new docket number this week at SCOTUS. I’m waiting to hear if NYS Court of Appeals will give me a new motion number with return date April 26, 2021. People send me emails how bad Judge Prus is to them. These are my questions presented at SCOTUS: Can an elderly USA citizen living in Israel continuously since July 9, 1991 except for 1 week August 1992, appeal to the United States Supreme Court to overturn a NYS court order QDRO? Can an elderly USA citizen living in Israel prove deliberate fraud of NYS judges/clerks? Can an elderly USA citizen living in Israel, remarried, appeal to the United States Supreme Court to annul Judge Prus signed NYS civil divorce 9/10/2013? This is my conclusion. Reasons for Granting the Petition The trial and jail sentence of the late Judge Gerald Garson was just the tip of the iceberg of fraud etc in NYS civil courts. The Court granting me my petition will help root out fraud in NYS civil courts.

    I’m similar to Rabbi Gestetner. Rabbi Gestetner is trying to root out fraud in kangaroo/vigilante bet dins like in Mendel Epstein et al. Oh, Mrs. Lonna Kin won’t cooperate and shouts agunah!? What benefit to her personally (other than revenge)? Sorry I have no sympathy for her. She should go on with her life and do the 3 points of Rabbi Gestetner. I’m trying to root out fraud in NYS matrimonial courts.
    See for one of the 3 videos played before the Garson jury. What benefit to me personally? Yes I’m trying to free my pension...


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