Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Conversion controversy

The courts have no more right to opine on “who is a Jew” than they have to move Shabbat to Tuesday or Pesach to the winter. Opinion.

Politicians should clearly express a commitment to passing in the next Knesset the “chok hahitgabrut” that will rein in the High Court’s jurisdictional and legislative excesses, and then pass a law confirming true Jewish identity as the foundation of the Law of Return. That will both bolster Israel’s Jewish identity and send a clear message to our non-Orthodox brothers and sisters – the relative few that are still Jews according to halakha – that the road to return is open to them, and they will be welcomed when they travel on it.


  1. Rav Pruzansky was head of a conversion court in the US for a number of years, and is a purely halachic Rav - always has something of value to say.

  2. or - Dina Malchuta Dina

  3. They are not defining who is Jew al pi halacha. They are defining who is a Jew for the purpose of citizenship and attendant rights. No non-Jew is going to walk into a shul in Bene Beraq and demand a chupah and kiddushin. No proper Jew will be forced to marry a non-Jew. And one can easily see the Rabbanut throwing up obstacles to this law left right and centre.

  4. In the event of reform convert wanting to marry a halachic Jew, s/he will need a new giur k'halacha.
    I will check later if Rav pruzansky has a shiur on giur.


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