Thursday, March 11, 2021

Study on samples from US Haredi Jews casts new light on first days of COVID-19

A paper published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open, a peer-review journal that is open to the public, concludes that the coronavirus was spreading widely in Orthodox communities across the country last spring around that Jewish holiday — before public health warnings were given about the dangers of large assemblies.



  1. Yes but common sense would have told us that of course this was true. You don't just immediately have a massive outbreak coinciding exactly with hospital influx and coincidentally the exact timing of hospitals being able to test for Covid for the first time.
    The virus circulates in the population first. Then cases start to increase and ramp up. Then a few weeks later, hospitalizations surge. It has been the same pattern repeated over and over again, in every location.
    Obviously, before testing was available and before public health were doing their shtick in response to Italy, the virus was insidiously spreading in NYC! At that time, no one without a history of travel to China was ALLOWED to be tested. Which was a complete joke and yet another failure of CDC.

    This is why the narratives of "They didn't listen to the guidelines" were all false when people tried to explain why frum communities were hit so bad early on. Culturally, frum people gather more. That is the basic fact that underlies why it spread insidiously in the frum community MORE than in others prior to outbreak #1.

  2. See video how Democrats MISLED the New York public; causing tens of thousands of people to get infected.

  3. what total garbage!
    They were simply stating facts as known at that time as opposed to Trump - curiously - missing - who admitted lying when he knew better.
    Also omitted are their later statements
    Totally taken out of context!
    Who was the genius at Fox news who this cut and paste smear job?

  4. Strangely, in your world, only the Haredim are to blame for downplaying the seriousness of COVID 19?

  5. Yes they did. They did an about face about 1 week before Trump's task force called for "15 days to stop the spread" with all the shutdowns and so forth. The outbreak was seeded while the Dems were wrong and arguing AGAINST the task force, during the impeachment circus, and before the about-face. At that time, for the sake of Woke Social Credit Points, they were urging New Yorkers to gather with Chinese neighbors, visit Chinatown Lunar New Year celebration, go about life as normal. The Mayor of New York was telling people to "go about life as normal" as late as the first week in March. He contributed to the massive spread among the frum community, not any flaunting of rules that didn't yet exist. It is convenient for Democrats that there was no testing during the time that they were fueling an outbreak.

  6. Yup, the Haredim were "breaking the rules" that didn't yet exist, while Democrats and pundits were writing opeds telling Americans they should be more afraid of the flu than coronavirus (which, if we're being honest, would have meant coronavirus was a complete non-factor). These people got it so wrong, and the public was harmed by it. It is unbelievably perverse for some of the same people to then turn around and say that the outbreak is the fault of haredim who were going about their normal cultural practices (which helped fuel it) at the same time these people encouraged everyone to be normal!

  7. The point isn't that it spread before people knew what was going on. Supermarkets were stuffed with people buying toilet paper but not observing any precautions for weeks.
    It's that after people knew what was going on, many in the chareidi community continued their previous behaviour.

  8. Wow and the hareidim didn't know any better and of course Trump is excused for lying and incompetence because the hareidim are supporters

  9. In the UK, the government first took the position of herd immunity, but then changed and decided to Lockdown. Hareidim in Stamford Hill have highest rate of antibodies, but early on, paid high price for it.

  10. What would they have "known better" when public health officials and the entire Democrat political establishment were telling them to go on about life as normal? They did exactly that.
    You seem to be missing the point that the huge outbreak of cases and hospitalizations in the frum community that materialized in March-April were due to seeding of the virus spreading throughout the community in February. It doesn't just magically happen in an instant. You are using the lack of testing to ignore what was actually happening beneath the surface.


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