Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow opposes early release of Ezra Sheinberg

 Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, the head of the Center for Jewish Ethics at the Tzohar rabbinic organization, expressed his opposition to the possible shortening of the sentence of Ezra Sheinberg, former dean of the Orot Ha'ari yeshiva in the northern city of Tzfat, who will be brought before the Parole Committee on Thursday.

Sheinberg was convicted of sexually abusing eight women and sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in prison. He is currently serving his sentence in the Maasiyahu Prison.

If the Committee approves, his sentence will be shortened, and he will be released earlier than expected from prison.



  1. Rav Shternbuch shlita special beth din for berland _

    "On May 20, after months of collecting evidence and testimony, the special Beis din issued their final conclusive ruling. The Beis Din described the content of the testimonies that they had heard as “untoward acts” and “very serious behaviors,” and they concluded that, “It is clear that according to the opinion of our holy teachings, anyone who violates the three cardinal sins and their derivatives, someone who values his soul must stay away from him [the violator] and one is obligated to act in this way.” The ruling also contained a paragraph warning that this is a serious issue since defenders of Berland have excused his behavior, even publishing books, claiming it is permitted for a Tzaddik to perform a sins. The ruling continued, "These matters are to considered complete heresy in the fundamentals of our religion. We must uproot and remove this heresy from within us."["

    They had to issue a modern psak against a sabbetai zvi, and his followers!

  2. How does someone who sexually abused 8 women get only 7.5 years in prison?

  3. In Israel they take it very lightly. Berland got only around 2 years.

  4. The miracle with Berland is that he was in jail at all.

  5. Too many perverted judges with their own skeletons in the closet


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