Tuesday, February 2, 2021

It’s Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Party Now


 Greene is not the outlier in this party. Kinzinger is.

American conservatism — particularly its evangelical strain — has fostered derangement in its ranks for decades, insisting that no source of information outside its own self-reinforcing ideological bubble is trustworthy.

If you’re steeped in creationism and believe that elites are lying to you about the origins of life on earth, it’s not a stretch to believe they’re lying to you about a life-threatening virus. If what you know of history is the revisionist version of the Christian right, in which God deeded America to the faithful, then pluralism will feel like the theft of your birthright. If you believe that the last Democratic president was illegitimate, as Trump and other birthers claimed, then it’s not hard to believe that dark forces would foist another unconstitutional leader on the country.

There was a moment, after the Capitol riot, when it seemed as if a critical mass of the Republican Party was recoiling at what it had created. But the moment passed, because it would have required the party’s putative leaders to defy too many of their followers. Senator Mitch McConnell floated openness to convicting Trump in a Senate trial, but ended up voting that such a trial was unconstitutional. Fox News, finger to the wind, purged many of its real journalists and gave the conspiracy theorist Maria Bartiromo a prime-time tryout.


  1. The squad" was caught saying Anti semitic comments last year, but the Demoncratic Party couldn't bring itself to at least censure those involved, Speaker Pelosi's doing.
    What right do they have to call for any action against this crackpot?

  2. Just to show you why partisanship is stupid, let me rephrase:
    American liberalism — particularly its woke and socialist strain — has fostered derangement in its ranks for decades, insisting that no source of information outside its own self-reinforcing ideological bubble is trustworthy
    There was a moment, after the BLM riots and burnings, when it seemed as if a critical mass of the Democratic Party was recoiling at what it had created. But the moment passed, because it would have required the party’s putative leaders to defy too many of their followers.

  3. Well that's the difference the media is perpetuating.
    If you want to gather and attack the Capitol, that's high treason and a threat to American democracy.
    If you want to gather and burn down suburbs, occupy police stations and declare "autonomous zones", well you're just fighting against racism so it's okay.

  4. The accused parties apologized while this nut has not

  5. I just think the double standard is funny. Like the fact the Dems opposed Trump's Wall, but when the Dems want to stop people getting into THEIR space, they put up a fence around the Capitol!

    These are the Left's Principles.

    Anything we do illegal or violent is protected free speech.

    Anything we don't like about the Right we suppress by labeling it Racism, Privelege, Toxic, Unjust, etc.


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