Friday, February 26, 2021

Gay conservative: Equality Act would crush religious freedom. Trump is right to oppose it.

 The bill purports to protect LGBT Americans like me by prohibiting discrimination “based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit and the jury system.” On the surface, this sounds unobjectionable — after all, no one deserves to face discrimination. Yet the bill defined “public accommodations” so loosely and called for regulations so sweeping that it would crush religious freedom and radically reshape American society.


  1. Kamtza & Bar Kamtza story repeated in London, weeks before Covid 19 struck the Jewish frum community

  2. When liberal Reforms start doing mesirah and charges are made against Orthodox shuls and schools for not teaching the Woke set of values, will you start missing Trump?

  3. When the USA does not have a Civil War will I miss Trump?

    Last time I checked G-d runs the world not Trump!

  4. not even close!

    Rabbi Mirvis divided public opinion among some in the Orthodox community in 2018 when he released an historic guide advising schools on steps to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) pupils.

  5. Not support, but to prevent persecution. Kiruv is suddenly wrong?
    How about the eidah chareidis support and honor for jacob de haan? Biggest LGBT in Jewish history.

  6. there are 2 reasons I'm aware of that he agreed to this LGBT friendly approach:

    1) The government would otherwise punish or close the schools. or force even worse things on them.

    2) He has an inclusive approach to other jews - and a teenager may yet be able to change their derech. i have no expertise in this field - but he wants to prevent persecution of schoolage kids with such problems. You may disagree , but it is not necessarily a bad policy. Can distance them later when they are adults and independent, if they haven't done teshuva.

  7. God runs the world but He lets us do what we want down here.

  8. Most "gay" children are not gay, just experimenting, part of growing up for them.
    Once they grow out of it, and or wjmarry, it will work itself out. Can't really call them gay.
    Though now there's societal pressure to be full gay, that's a modern phenomenon.

  9. “This collaboration of the Chief Rabbi with KeshetUK might be compared to the scenario of the United Synagogue collaborating with the Reform movement to produce a definitive guide to Jewish religious belief,” Rabbi Mordechai Rose wrote in a piece published online.

  10. But halpern was honoured 🤣

  11. "After becoming a baal teshuvah, and then rejecting religious Zionism, de Haan began handling the most sensitive political issues for Harav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, , who headed the Eidah Hachareidis and was the leader of the Yishuv."

  12. We likely know today more about the secret life of Jacob Israël de Haan, then his contemporaries did.

  13. 😆
    Everyone knew, even the secularists in tel Aviv.
    What exactly was de haan doing? Supporting immorality.
    At the time , British law correctly forbade it. Today, they persecute anyone who opposes it.

  14. Yes but we dont really know much accurate info because our view will be clouded and distorted by the Zionists who murdered him in cold blood walking the streets of Yerushliam and then were trying to shift the blame and to justify this heinous murder of a true Zaddik who was zoiche to be buried in the Chelkas Harabonim on Har Hazasim because of this Kiddush hashem in death
    May hashem avenge his blood!

  15. What we know today about Feigeleh de Haan, is based on independent sources, and no amount of spin can make that go away.
    Keep believing about him what you want to believe, but the facts we know today about his same-sex attractions (SSA) are what they are. It’s sad, but there's no use in trying to whitewash them.

  16. I disagree with you, but I still gave you an uptick, thank you for your comments!

  17. it is important to be consistent, and not say one feiglism is better than another - they are all issur, and a very serious and dangerous one.

    I personally do not support any of these groups, but just like we do not have a BD that can execute Shabbat violators, same goes with them.

  18. Start with Adam. Then Im Bechukotai telekhu ...

  19. No one is talking about execution. We're talking about collaborating with an organization that exists primarily to support immorality.
    Mirvis made a big mistake in his approach, and has only himself to blame, if Chareidi rabbis came out against him. Did he consult with them BEFORE he did what he did? My guess is that he didn't.

  20. Like I always say, hareidim, especially aidah, still honor and did support the gaydol hador.
    He is buried in chelkas rabbanim _ does anyone boycott badatz label?

  21. I live in today's times.
    Is the Badatz collaborating with an organization that exists primarily to support immorality? NO.
    Is Mirvis collaborating with an organization that exists primarily to support immorality? YES.

  22. Well , the founders did - their own foreign minister was one, and they also collaborated with rodfim, who wanted to kill thousands or millions of Jews .

  23. is the front man of the BADATZ who is immortalised by them a gay-menuval/ YES
    Is he buried on chelkas harabbanim? YES
    Are frum people named after the menuval? YES
    Was his motivation for going to the Kotel a Holy one? NO
    Did he publicly admit to, and glamourize his mishkav zachar acts, and whistle at the rabbanim who made him their captain? YES
    Did those Rabbis - up to and including today's BADatz and Aidah leaders, ever condemn him for his abominable acts? NO

    But anyway, thank you for your good work in fighting immorality .

  24. I can't speak for the Badatz. "Berel" will tell you that its all a Zionistic slander campaign. So they deny the fact, and see no reason to disassociate from him.
    Nothing like Mirvis, who went into this with open eyes.

  25. "Rabbi Rose states there is “nothing wrong” with the Chief Rabbi’s aim,
    but he is concerned it was written with KeshetUK, an organisation he
    describes as inappropriate in presenting the Orthodox Jewish view on the
    delicate and complex subject of homosexuality."

    So the criticism was only that he collaborated with menuvalUK, not the overall message. OK, fair enough.

  26. they deny a lot of things, like the abuse in the Geula "mikve"

  27. I can only speak from personal experience, from many years ago. Contrary to the lashon hara that was posted on a certain website, I never saw anything inappropriate happening there.

  28. how long were you there for?


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