Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Donald Trump's other, tragic big lie


 The January 6 attack on the United States Capitol was a vivid demonstration of the havoc that can result when a really big lie is repeatedly injected into the body politic.

 But there was another big lie in 2020, also propagated by former President Donald Trump, involving the coronavirus pandemic. It was a lie that systematically downplayed the severity of Covid-19 and the utility of face masks. It very likely resulted in the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.


  1. This is what I predicted. You can't let him go. He's fading into irrelevance and you can't stop obsessing over him.

  2. If DT considers Trump a murderer for not always screaming about masks (even though for months his own scientific advisors like Fauci said masks won't work before finally reversing themselves), then what does that make the Charedi Gedolim and all those who kept yeshivot and shuls open and demanded life to remain the same, who constantly downplayed the risks or insisted the virus can't harm? Will he by his logic acknowledge how many they got killed?


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