Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Trump's turbulent and lawless presidency will end with historic second impeachment

The sole article of impeachment that the House is expected to pass Wednesday charging Trump with high crimes and misdemeanors is damning. Its simple clarity explains why this impeachment is no mere futile partisan ritual in the waning days of the most aberrant presidency in history.
"Donald John Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law," the article reads
It is an extraordinary mark of turbulent times and a lawless term that Trump will become the first president to be impeached twice -- only 13 months after the House first resolved that his abuses of power merited removal from office.
The idea that the rampage in which five people died was just a political outburst that got out of control was debunked Tuesday by the serious tone of a news conference held by the acting district attorney in Washington.


  1. Good prosecutors don't bring indictments they can't win.

    House Democrats just show themselves to be playing at government, not actually ruling.

  2. healthy democracy's need to show that there are consequences for misbehavior, No one is above the law not even Trump!

  3. How many Martians voted for Biden?
    How many Confederate soldiers voted for Trump?
    The G5 chip that came with the vaccine caused patriots to vote for Biden!

  4. Do you think America is a healthy Democracy? Do you consider having a man married to a man in the Cabinet a sign of a healthy Democracy?

  5. Democracy is not spitting on Torah
    Trump claims to be greatest champion of Gay rights so is he corrupt?
    please find me any significant Rabbi who says such nonsense

  6. Absolutely Donald Trump's championing of LGBT on the world stage is corrupt.

    Are you kidding about finding a Rabbi? When Germany's democracy degenerated into Nazism one could not condemn it till a "significant Rabbi" did so?

  7. you are treading on dangerous ground here -
    I am sure there are many Muslim fundamentalists who share your views, except they claim democracy spits on their Koran. And also they want to take power by force, and establish an Iran , Hamas, Hezboolah type society there. At the moment, they do not have the strength to do it, but if their numbers increas, by higher fertility, they will only need to vote for an ayotollah candidate.

  8. I was taught that the role of the Jewish People is to represent G-d on Earth. I was noting that it seems obvious that a country that legalizes murder (abortion on demand), sexual immorality, and/or other matters forbidden by the Noahide Laws and also same sex marriage displeases G-d.

    Do you take issue with that?

  9. The neviim, yes.
    Regular Jew would be wise to avoid neo nazis, and of fighting a lost / unwinnable cause. Even kahane, who delusionally thought he was protected, was shot down by an arab terrorist.

  10. “Daas Torah “How many Martians voted for Biden? How many Confederate soldiers voted for Trump? The G5 chip that came with the vaccine caused patriots to vote for Biden!” No. The Trump haters think they’re so smart: stole the election and now impeach Trump and ban Trump and maybe get DC a state and getting appeasement Obama officials (Trump haters) back into foreign policy and government, etc The Trump haters are celebrating. First, hard to stop all the good that Trump accomplished in foreign policy, economics etc. My theory. USA courts will jail such as Rachel Rodriguez and similar and will find Trump right everything he and Giuliani said. Oh development on my 30-year battle Aranoff v Aranoff my claim that I lost my pension and house by fraud. Letter I received today from NYS Court of Appeals: “January 6, 2021 Gerald Aranoff 8 Miriam Haneviah Street Bnei Brak, Israel 51538 Re: Aranoff v Aranoff Mo. No. 2021-54 Dear Mr. Aranoff I acknowledge receipt of your motion dated December 28, 2020 and your letter dated December 29, 2020...”

  11. Wow! You are awfully quick with cogent answers to all issues

  12. You got the story a bit wrong. Shortly after Kahane was killed I met one of his followers who said that Kahane claimed he would be protected as long as he was needed and therefore did not have a bodyguard. He told me apparently he had served his purpose and was no longer needed

  13. Very interesting...

    ruah kodesh or ruach idiocy?

  14. apparently, Kahane was a menuval, and had several affairs whilst he was married and speaking publicly as a "Rabbi".
    Remember, King Yannai's advice to his sister -
    don't be afraid of a Pharisee, nor of a sadducee. be afraid of a Pharisee who acts like Zimri but expects the reward of Pinchas.


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