Thursday, January 7, 2021

Saving Public School Kids Matters


« The following is an edited and expanded version of an article that appears in this week's edition of The Jewish Press, on p. 69. »

"Why We're Fighting For Morality In New Jersey"

By Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter, Executive Director, Help Rescue Our Children

I was recently asked why we are expending so much time and effort fighting A4454 in New Jersey [which, we learned after submission of this article, was just scheduled for a vote on Monday, January 11, along with another dangerous Healthcare bill, S2545]. This bill (which recently was passed by the NJ Senate, almost on party lines) states:

“Beginning in the 2021-2022 school year, each school district shall incorporate instruction on diversity and inclusion in an appropriate place in the curriculum of students in KINDERGARTEN through 12.”

It requires this instruction to (1) “highlight and promote diversity, including economic diversity, equity, inclusion, tolerance, and belonging in connection with gender and sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, disabilities, and religious tolerance”; 

(2) “examine the impact that unconscious bias and economic disparities have at both an individual level and on society as a whole”; and 

(3)  “encourage safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments for all students regardless of race or ethnicity, sexual and gender identities, mental and physical disabilities, and religious beliefs.”

Many people reflexively support "tolerance." However, tolerance of wickedness enables and proliferates wickedness. Moreover, teaching children to respect open practitioners of LGBT sins erodes their natural revulsion for these sins - and helps legitimize those transgressions. Sodomy is actually a capital crime (Vayikra 20:13; Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 9:6), and called an "abomination" in the Torah (Vayikra 18:22, 20:13). The renowned sage known as the Maharal of Prague (1520-1609) adds an important insight, in regard to the the Talmudic statement (in tractate Chullin 92b) that one thing even the non-Jewish nations have been historically careful to avoid is writing marriage contracts between men. He observes that even amongst the abominations listed in Lev. chapter 18, sodomy is the only one branded an abomination in its individual enumeration. This is reflective of sodomy's status as an abomination even among abominations. That may provide deeper insight into the exhortation of our Sages (in VaYikra Rabbah on Lev. 18:3) that formal recognition of same-sex unions triggered the annihilation of civilization via the Great Flood over four millennia ago.

However, some may wonder: Why spend so much time fighting this particular piece of legislation? There are several reasons. Here are some:

1. Among the proponents of this bill are several Jews, so we must ensure that the broader American community understands that Torah Jewry stands unequivocally against it and any other bill that seeks to indirectly legitimize sin under the rubric of teaching tolerance.

2. Frum Jews are responsible for the actions of their representatives, especially if they vote for them.

3. Unfortunately, several frum organizations publicize their involvement in public advocacy when it comes to seeking government assistance, but are generally nowhere to be seen in addressing spiritual threats. Such behavior conveys the impression that the average Orthodox Jew cares more about financial needs than spiritual threats. We must correct this misimpression – and chillul Hashem.

4. In addition to the Torah imperative to stand against this injustice even if it would NEVER affect a single Jewish child, there is an additional degree of urgency mandated here in light of all of the Jewish children who would be indoctrinated by such legislation. it goes without saying that most non-Orthodox Jews send their children to public school (in addition to all of the Orthodox children caught in the public school system).
5. If we stay silent now, “tolerance" curricula will eventually make their way to yeshivos. Already in England, the government harasses frum schools that don’t teach about homosexuality and related matters. There’s no reason to believe that state governments and the federal government in America won’t eventually follow suit. Indeed, two years ago, NY started to push - on the legal basis of legislation similar to A4454 passed in NY in 2010 - for such tolerance instruction in religious schools, in its controversial Educational Equivalency Guidelines, and then Regulations (instigating a very difficult battle, ongoing ever since).

6. Consider the new crop of voters that will emerge from such instruction. How will any candidate be able to support traditional morality and win an election if the next generation is taught that traditional morality is intolerant?

May we merit a speedy redemption in the merit of standing up for children who can't stand up for themselves.

(See also our letter to the NJ Jewish Link this week: )

LGBT in Education, Healthcare facilities: 

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