Thursday, January 7, 2021

Amid third lockdown, haredi sector must keep schools closed

 As Israel enters its third lockdown this week, millions of Israelis will see their children sent home from schools, after a year that has seen rolling lockdowns and been difficult on families and parents. The uncertainty of when the lockdown will end and whether schools will reopen leaves many people unable to work consistently or live normal lives. But there is no alternative. The government has ordered the schools closed, and people have to abide by the restrictions and regulations.

Well, almost everybody. The haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community seems to think that it is above the rules and regulations that apply to the majority of Israelis. The haredim, as Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky said on Tuesday, will keep their schools open. Based on pictures from the mass haredi weddings held this week that came out on Wednesday, there is no reason to assume otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. >The haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community seems to think that it is above the rules and regulations that apply to the majority of Israelis

    Remember a few years ago when Rav Shteinman, z"l, released a statement condemning Jews who wouldn't sell property to Arabs, except in Chareidi neighbourhoods?


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