Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Trump keeps denouncing election as Biden transition grinds on


If Trump is even mulling an inaugural counter-event, it means he recognizes that all of his efforts--the constant accusations of election fraud, the blizzard of lawsuits, the efforts to pressure Republican lawmakers, the 46-minute Facebook video--are likely to fail. 

And combined with the refusal of all but 27 congressional Republicans to recognize Biden as president-elect, it fuels the air of unreality that now pervades the nation’s capital.

Trump is engaged in a flurry of moves--executive orders, last-minute appointments, troop withdrawals, building more of the wall--as the clock ticks down on his tenure. That’s a longstanding tradition when presidents are leaving office, though he may be doing it on steroids.



  1. Trump lost.

    That is the reality.

    Now let us enter the political realm. [Cue Twilight Zone music]

    Trump WON! Fraud, irregularities, cheating, and downright treachery, not to mention It's-my-turn-to-be-President-and-I'll-just-take-my-ball-and-go-home-if-you-don't-let-me-play-in-the-White-House-ship by the Democrats led to Donald Trump's apparent but illusory defeat.

    So for the next four years we'll keep it up -- just the liberals did with Russia + Ukraine + Coronavirus. We'll throw whatever we can and go with it even if it doesn't stick.

  2. Wow, latest news is that he's going to hold a counter-inauguration event at the same time that Biden is sworn in.
    How lucky for you. Usually politicians blame their predecessors for a while because people clue in and say "Look, you can't keep blaming him for your mistakes" but with Trump sticking around, you get to keep doing that for the next 4 years!

  3. “Trump keeps denouncing election as Biden transition grinds on” Bravo Trump. See Print
    Search documents in this case:
    No. 22O155
    Title: Texas, Plaintiff
    Pennsylvania, et al.
    Docketed: December 8, 2020
    Lower Ct:

    Dec 07 2020 Motion for leave to file a bill of complaint filed.
    Motion for Leave to File a Bill of ComplaintCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
    Dec 07 2020 Motion to expedite filed by plaintiff Texas.
    Main Document
    Dec 07 2020 Motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay filed by plaintiff Texas.
    Main DocumentProof of ServiceOther
    Dec 08 2020 Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.

    Attorneys for Plaintiff
    Ken Paxton
    Counsel of Record Attorney General of Texas
    P.O. Box 12548 (MC 059)
    Austin, TX 78711-2548

    kenneth.paxton@oag.texas.gov 512-936-1414
    Party name: State of Texas

    Did Texas learn from me? See
    RSS Feed Print
    Search documents in this case:
    No. 20-6525
    Title: Gerald Aranoff, Petitioner
    Susan Aranoff
    Docketed: December 4, 2020
    Lower Ct: Court of Appeals of New York
    Case Numbers: (2020-352)
    Decision Date: September 10, 2020

    Sep 21 2020 Petition for a writ of certiorari and motion for leave to proceed in forma pauperis filed. (Response due January 4, 2021)
    Motion for Leave to Proceed in Forma PauperisPetitionAppendixProof of Service

    Attorneys for Petitioner
    Gerald Aranoff 8 Miriam Haneviah Street
    Bnei Brak 51583 Israel, XX 51583

    Party name: Gerald Aranoff

  4. “Trump keeps denouncing” What about those that were denouncing the saintly Tamar in the parsha ויגש? “And it came to pass ויהי about three months after כמשלש חדשים, Judah was told ויגד ליהודה, Your daughter-in-law Tamar has played the harlot זנתה תמר כלתך; behold וגם, she is with child by harlotry. And Judah said ויאמר יהודה Bring her out הוציאוה, and let her be burned ותשרף.” (Genesis 38:24).
    My theory. Judah became the king of the country to replace the previous, which was: “And Melchizedek king of Salem ומלכי צדק מלך שלם brought out bread and wine; he was a priest of God Most High.” (Genesis 14:18). My theory. Those that went to Judah, the new king of the land, were rebels that sought to overthrow Judah. They knew very well that Tamar did not play the harlot. They did fake news much like NY Times and CNN see https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/292718 “Suppressing the news…burying the story…welcome to the New Journalism…as we see CNN chief Jeff Zucker instruct his staff to ignore the Hunter/Joe scandal…nor to “humanize” Trump. Same goes at The New York Times under Dean Baquet. Same all over.” My theory. There were real gangsters that spread the lies about Tamar. Why? They were afraid of getting caught of illegal money from China, Ukraine and Russia.

  5. what a rich imagination!
    . problem is even Barr can't find any evidence But then again Trump never felt a need for facts or truth

  6. Yes. That is the way of Mr. Trump to weave fact and fiction to suit him.

    That's American politics!

    Here is one of my favorites from the annals of make-believe in America, this one from the Left:

    Diversity is Our Strength

  7. The Attorney General did not find enough evidence of fraud and irregularities that would lead one to to conclude enough votes were in question to determine the outcome of the election.

    All Trump needed though was some evidence of fraud and irregularities, which apparently there is evidence of. Then his loyal minions went to town sowing doubt about other votes that were legitimate.

    This, combined with a Republican Senate and almost Republican House, will make it hard for the incoming Administration to get anything done. I sure wish the Mr. Biden and each State success in rolling out the vaccines. The sooner the country gets back to business the better, I would think. But I doubt even that effort will escape political machinations. The Dems used the pandemic and its remedies for political ends. Why shouldn't the Republicans do so also?

  8. Daas Torah “wow!” Allow me, midrash sources to my theory that Joseph at 17 the brothers were all married (except for Joseph) and the brothers made Judah king. Joseph was rebelling against the king, Judah.
    Midrash Rabbah - Genesis LXXXV:2
    “They [Joseph's brethren] said: Come, let us disperse, for as long as we are together the bond may be exacted. Said the Holy One, blessed be He, to them: When ten men are found out in a theft, cannot one of them be seized for all? And so when they were found out in the matter of [Joseph's] cup, they exclaimed, God hath found out the iniquity of thy servants (Gen. XLIV, 16)! Whereon R. Isaac commented: The creditor has now found the opportunity to exact his debt. R. Levi said: Like one who drains a barrel [of wine], leaving only its lees. They said: Let us come and make provisions for ourselves [to marry]. Formerly, he Jacob] took the trouble of arranging marriages for us, but now that he is occupied with his fasting and sackcloth, it is not reasonable that he should arrange marriages for us. Said they to Judah: And are you not our leader? Then arise and provide for yourself. Forthwith, AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME.”

    My theory. Jacob arranged marriages for the brothers until Joseph was 17. They were all married except for Joseph. Judah started first to add to his wife and the others followed. Men must marry and should marry early and not live alone. My theory that Judah was king:
    Midrash Rabbah - Genesis LXXXIV:21
    “21. AND ALL HIS SONS AND ALL HIS DAUGHTERS ROSE UP TO COMFORT HIM (XXXVII, 35). R. Judah said: The tribal ancestors married their sisters; hence it is written, AND ALL HIS SONS AND ALL HIS DAUGHTERS ROSE UP. etc. R. Nehemiah said: Their wives were Canaanitish women. Now according to this view of R. Nehemiah, [how can you say], ALL HIS DAUGHTERS? How many daughters then did he have? One, and would that he had not known her! But the fact is that one does not refrain from calling his son-in-law, son, and his daughter-in-law, daughter. BUT HE REFUSED TO BE COMEORTED. A matron asked R. Jose: It is written, For Judah prevailed above his brethren (I Chron. V, 2), and yet we read, And Judah was comforted (Gen. XXXVIII, 12); while this man [Jacob] was the father of them all, and yet HE REFUSED TO BE COMFORTED! YOU can be comforted for the dead, he answered, but not for the living.”

    “though כי Judah became more powerful than his brothers גבר באחיו and a leader came from him ולנגיד ממנו, yet the birthright to Joseph והבכורה ליוסף.” (1 Chronicles 5:2).
    דברי הימים א פרק ה פסוק ב
    כִּי יְהוּדָה גָּבַר בְּאֶחָיו וּלְנָגִיד מִמֶּנּוּ וְהַבְּכֹרָה לְיוֹסֵף:
    רש"י דברי הימים א פרק ה פסוק ב
    כי יהודה גבר באחיו - שנאמר גור אריה יהודה (בראשית מ"ט(:
    “Judah is a lion’s whelp; On prey, my son מטרף בני, have you gone up עלית. He stooped down כרע, he crouched like a lion רבץ כאריה, as a lioness וכלביא—who shall rouse him up מי יקימנו?” (Genesis 49:9).

    My theory. Judah was the king elected by his brothers, lawfully. Joseph rebelled.


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