Monday, December 7, 2020

Sweden's pandemic experiment ends amid spiking coronavirus cases

Sweden’s Covid-19 experiment is over.

After a late autumn surge in infections led to rising hospitalizations and deaths, the government has abandoned its attempt—unique among Western nations—to combat the pandemic through voluntary measures.

Like other Europeans, Swedes are now heading into the winter facing restrictions ranging from a ban on large gatherings to curbs on alcohol sales and school closures—all aimed at preventing the country’s health system from being swamped by patients and capping what is already among the highest per capita death tolls in the world.

1 comment:

  1. This is not a surprise. All along, in order to make Sweden look good, the media compared it with Italy and Spain. When comes with Norway and Finland, their numbers were disastrous all the way through. If the press is now covering this, it's only because they can't hide the debacle any longer.


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