Friday, December 11, 2020

It is doomed to failure — but Trump’s Texas lawsuit amounts to a cold civil war

The last-ditch effort is an odiously preposterous suit Texas has filed to disenfranchise the votes of entire states, in violation of the 11th Amendment and every basic notion of decency. If it’s not wanton incitement of civil war to bully states into submission of an authoritarian outcome, I don’t know what is.

 Both conservative and liberal legal experts believe the case — wherein Texas, joined by 17 other states, asks for the democratic votes of Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to be effectively discarded — is meritless and will fail in the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, its gamesmanship is purposeful. Unchecked by Republican leaders, Trump’s fraudulent delegitimization of the 2020 election continues—a landmine designed to confuse and torture the American people until January 20. 

1 comment:

  1. It's a set up for Trump's plan to campaign for the 2024 election for the next 4 years. Why are you upset? It'll supply you with plenty of non-Torah material for the next 4 years.


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