Thursday, December 10, 2020

Haredi developers join battle against COVID-19 in Bnei Brak hackathon

Hundreds of haredi developers from around Israel united to develop innovative solutions to help in the battle against the continuing coronavirus pandemic in a hackathon last Wednesday in Bnei Brak.

Senior programmers and developers joined the hackathon to help work for 24 hours on developing a variety of solutions to help Israel better deal with the challenges brought by the pandemic.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Like the story of the town where people kept getting into accidents at a specific intersection so they had a meeting and tried to figure out "What message is God sending us?" And then the Rav said "Put up a stop sign".
    It's the same here. What message is God sending us? Stay home. Wear a mask. Sanitize regularly. Avoid shul and yeshiva. What does all this extra stuff need to be done for?


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