Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Fox News' Geraldo Rivera tells Trump to stand down: 'It's over'

 Geraldo Rivera, a Fox News correspondent and longtime friend of Donald Trump, has a message for the president: "It's over."

During a segment on "The Story With Martha MacCallum," Fox News host Martha MacCallum asked Rivera and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk to share their thoughts on President-elect Joe Biden's Tuesday night speech after the electoral college officially submitted their votes.
"He is absolutely right. It's over," Rivera said, nodding to Biden's speech that focused on moving forward. He added that he wants President Donald Trump to "understand it is over."
Kirk, who leads the right-wing college activism group, wasn't willing to concede that fact. In defense of Trump and his legal team's efforts to overturn the results of the election, Kirk said Trump supporters still have "very good questions" about the election results.
"There are still plenty of pending legal challenges," Kirk said. "There are hundreds."
"That's so dishonest," Rivera quickly chimed in. "You have to stop this."


  1. A lot of the electorate think along the lines of:
    -Donald Trump won the election
    -Joe Biden is a pretender and usurper
    -the election was rife with fraud and irregularities

    What about accepting the reality that a lot of the electorate are not accepting reality?

  2. right Trump is telling people lies which are destroying democracy. What about encouraging accepting reality - that Trump has no evidence. Why are you accepting his sick fantasy? Or you would rather live in his mentally deranged world?

  3. “Fox News' Geraldo Rivera tells Trump to stand down: It's over” No. See what Rep. Mo Brooks (R., Ala.) proposes to do on January 6, 2021. This is my letter today to the NYS Court of Appeals
    “2.Yes I'm challenging the $25,000 sanctions/fines of Rigler/Garson imposed and reaffirmed on me at the Supreme Court Kings County. Also I'm challenging the QDRO imposed and reaffirmed on me at the Supreme Court Kings County. The rule of law in the USA allows, under circumstances, review a higher court over rulings of a lower court. This is my aim in my Motion for overturn QDRO/sanctions dated December 6, 2020 that had a return date December 21, 2020. This is my aim in SCOTUS No. 20-6525. I need a majority in the NYS Court of Appeals to agree with me for my challenge to be successful. I need a majority in SCOTUS to agree with me for my challenge to be successful.
    3.I'm fighting for honest and fair judges in matrimonial matters. Sad so much disputes in NYS courts on matrimonial matters. It's the feminists that run fast to NYS courts to get their way. Why? They see that they get away with fraud. Mendel Epstein et al boasted in his jury trial how he stood with his black hat and black coat in a Queens' night club facing a man sitting with several ladies of the night. Mendel Epstein boasted that he will not go away until that man agrees to send a get to his wife in Israel. That's a kangaroo court. Mendel Epstein is a vigilante and proud of it.
    4.I notice that Trump and many others don't yet accept the electoral college vote that Biden won the 2020 election. Rep. Mo Brooks (R., Ala.) proposes on January 6, 2021 to force a recount of electoral college votes for Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania. There will be debate and an up and down vote by both houses of USA Congress. My aim is to force a debate and to force an an up and down vote on the \$25,000 sanctions/fines of Rigler/Garson and on the QDRO.”
    The saying: Hope for the best. Plan for the worst.


  5. I only go along with the insanity for the same reason I voted for Trump in the first place: to put a crimp in the liberals' style.

    But I can't change the mind of those following Trump off the cliff. Trying to reason people off their soapbox is nigh impossible. It's not like taking candy from a baby.

    When someone has a bug in their head about something, it's sometimes best to just accept them as they are.

  6. doesn't sound like the view of the Torah

  7. But it is.

    The Mishna says not to try to calm someone down when they are in a fury. Some of these people lash out at me in anger if I try to suggest that maybe they are wrong.

    Who needs that? Let them stew in their folly for all I care.

  8. doesn't say not to correct people who have lot contact with reality or are destroying society.

  9. That correction may require physical coercion and/or imprisonment. That's illegal though. Thus: passivity.

  10. in other words stand by while democracy is destroyed

  11. Daas Torah “in other words stand by while democracy is destroyed” No. Torah thought on Hanukkah.
    Hanukkah we pray for God’s grace. On Rosh Hashana we pray for our rights and privileges. We face our enemies that seek to destroy us. See The Middle East’s Dual Occupations by Eugene Kontorovich in WSJ:
    “The new U.S. position on Morocco’s borders has a sound basis in international law and diplomatic practice, and it makes the case even stronger for doing the same with Israel and the West Bank. Morocco took control of Western Sahara in 1975. The territory had been a Spanish colony, but when Madrid abandoned it, Mauritania and Morocco invaded. Hundreds of thousands of Moroccan settlers followed. The United Nations has described Morocco’s presence as an “occupation,” but much of the international community has taken a more ambiguous view, describing the territory as “disputed.” The Polisario Front, a Saharawi rebel movement, also claims the territory. In 2016 U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon apologized after referring to the territory as “occupied,” in what the U.N. described as an accident. Traditionally, the law of occupation applies only to sovereign territory of foreign states. This covers most cross-border conflicts but not some post-colonial transitions where there is a gap in sovereign control. Thus, while the international community strongly opposed Indonesia’s 1975 takeover of East Timor (a similarly orphaned former Portuguese colony), it didn’t treat it as an occupation. Indonesia’s 1962 takeover of the former Dutch New Guinea gained universal acceptance.”
    Bravo Pompeo is visiting Israel in a few weeks. Bravo Trump did so much for America and Israel. Four more years. Hope for the best plan for the worst.

  12. Tump is worst president in us history

  13. Yes. I have a friend who decided more was necessary than just taking it lying down.

    He's been in prison almost a year now. He had his trial a few months ago. His sentencing is in a few weeks. He's facing 22 years in prison. All for some comments he made on an encrypted social media platform (Telegram) where he used some violent language but from which it was clear his intention was to make a point not to actually harm. In fact, the person he directed his comment to may not have even complained to the authorities about. But the FBI was intent on finding some way to silence him.

    So, yeah, sign me up for the sheep to the slaughter line. At least I don't have to live on prison food.

  14. so this bizarre case has you muzzled?

  15. It's part of a patter of cases, not bizarre.

  16. “Fox News' Geraldo Rivera tells Trump to stand down: It's over” No. Torah thought ויגש
    Midrash Rabbah - Genesis LXXXIV:7
    “JOSEPH, BEING SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD, etc. He was seventeen years old, yet you say, BEING STILL A LAD! It means, however, that he behaved like a boy, penciling his eyes, curling his hair, and lifting his heel. AND JOSEPH BROUGHT EVIL REPORT OF THEM, etc. R. Meir said: [He told Jacob]: Thy children are to be suspected of [eating] limbs torn from the living animals. R. Judah said: They insult the sons of the bondmaids [Bilhah and Zilpah] and call them slaves. R. Simeon said: They cast their eyes on the daughters of the country.”
    My theory. Persuasive R. Simeon here. My theory. Yes “They cast their eyes on the daughters of the country.” Not Joseph. Joseph argued not yet to marry and to have children at 17. Jacob, married at 84, after 14 years in Shem/Eber yeshiva. Isaac married at 40. Abraham had no children until 100. Joseph learned Torah with Jacob while his older brothers married and had children. My theory. This is why Joseph felt he would rule. Joseph strongly objected that his older brothers busy having children.
    Benjamin had 10 children: Midrash Rabbah - Genesis XCIV:8
    “AND THE SONS OF BENJAMIN: BELA, AND BECHER. etc. (XLVI, 21). When Joseph stood with Benjamin he asked him: Have you sons? Yes, he replied. How many? Ten. And what are their names?' I had a brother whose actions were seemly and pleasant, answered he, and he was taken away captive from me, and so I named my sons after what had befallen him. Bela, because he was swallowed up (nith-bala) among the nations; Becher: he was a firstborn (bechor); Ashbel: he was taken away captive (nishbah) from me; Gera: he became a stranger (ger) in a foreign country; Naaman: his actions were seemly (na'im) and pleasant (ne'im-im); Ehi: he was indeed my brother (ahi); Rosh: he was my superior and was indeed superior; Muppim: he was exceeding comely (yafeh) in all things; and Huppim: he did not see my marriage canopy (huppah) and I did not see his; and Ard: he was like a rose bloom (ward).”
    My theory. All of Joseph’s older brothers were convinced they were doing right in having babies and were convinced that Joseph was wrong in not marrying. Judah went to Tamar to marry her, per a Gamara. Judah thought he was marrying a local working girl. My theory. Judah intended to make the lady an honest woman from being a prostitute. She was to raise Judah’s children from her. My theory. The older brothers of Joseph had many such marriages and many children---all not part of the 70 souls, but part of the 600,000 on leaving Egypt. This is my explanation how 70 became 600,000+.
    Midrash Rabbah - Genesis XCIV:9
    “ALL THE SOULS BELONGING TO JACOB... WERE THREE-SCORE AND SIX. AND THE SONS OF JOSEPH... WERE TWO SOULS. ALL THE SOULS OF THE HOUSE OF JACOB THAT CAME INTO EGYPT WERE THREESCORE AND TEN (XLVI, 26 f.). R. Levi said in the name of R. Samuel b. Nahman: Have you ever seen a man give his neighbor sixty-six glasses, then give him another three and count them seventy? But the extra one is Jochebed, who made up the number of Israel [to seventy] in Egypt. R. Levi said in the name of R. Samuel b. Nahman: Jochebed was conceived in the land of Canaan and born in Egypt. Hence it is written, And the name of Amram's daughter was Jochebed, the daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt (Num. XXVI, 59)--she was born by the gates of Egypt”
    My theory. Benjamin and Jacob spoke much about Joseph with Joseph in Egypt. Total silence from everyone else. The older brothers forgot about Joseph. The older brothers made Judah king. One king to argue before another king: “Then Judah came near to him ויגש אליו and said, Oh my lord בי אדני, let your servant I pray ידבר נא עבדך דבר speak a word to my lord’s ears, and do not be impatient with your servant ואל יחר אפך בעבדך, you who are the equal of Pharaoh כי כמוך כפרעה.” (Genesis 44:18)
    Will Trump have 4 more years? Is it over for Trump?


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