Sunday, November 22, 2020

Secret plans helped Brooklyn synagogue pull off massive, maskless wedding

 A Hasidic synagogue in Brooklyn planned the wedding of a chief rabbi’s grandson with such secrecy it was able to host thousands of maskless celebrants without the city catching on.

Despite a surge in COVID-19 cases, guests crammed shoulder-to-shoulder inside the Yetev Lev temple in Williamsburg for the Nov. 8 nuptials — stomping, dancing and singing at the top of their lungs without a mask in sight, videos obtained by The Post show.

 The synagogue’s stunning willingness to host a potential super-spreader event underscores what critics call the Hasidic community’s ongoing disregard and outright defiance of efforts to control the deadly coronavirus, which has killed nearly 25,000 people in New York City.

 Ironically, the synagogue’s own president, R’Mayer Zelig Rispler, who openly urged Brooklyn’s Orthodox community to abide by coronavirus safety measures, died of COVID-19 last month at age 70.


  1. This has been a standard Chareidi modus operandi for decades. Do what you want, disregard any concerns for safety or the concerns of others because you think your holiness means they don't matter. Stand back and scream "Anti-semitism" when people condemn your stupidity. And repeat.

  2. Is it the leaders or the mssses driving this?

  3. Corrupt Satmar has always trampled on human dignity. A sordid history.

  4. Human dignity? That's a goyish or reform concept! Just look at Chasidei Gur, and the rest of the the sordid goings on in the dark corner of the hareidi world!


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