Thursday, November 26, 2020

Meiri and attitude towards women Mishlei 14:1


Meiri (Mishlei 14:1):Wisdom of women  this is a reminder that when getting married you chose an impressive wife. The ethical (musar) experts say you should not chose a wife based entirely on her wealth or beauty because those are transient characteristics. But rather chose based on her deeds and distinguished family.  But do not chose a wife who is too distinguished because she might view you as her slave


  1. Why do we see such lavish praise heaped upon rabbonim by other rabbonim today, both when they are alvie, and when they are no longer?

    What is really going on is self-promotion by proxy, or you scratch my back, and I will scratch yours.
    X will speak highly of Y, and Y of Z, but somewhere along the line the same is said about X, whether by W or Y and Z.
    It would appear arrogant for X to say so much praise about himself, so it is doen in a circuitous route, so as to conceal his arrogance and egomania.

    Thsi of course does not apply to the true Gedolim of previous generations.


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