Monday, November 23, 2020

How Do You Govern When Half The Country Is Trapped In A Disinformation Bubble? | All In | MSNBC


  1. It's not half the country. See, this is the stupidity of the liberals. Oh, you voted for Trump so you must be an idiot. There are plenty of people who voted for Trump for legitimate reasons. There are plenty of Trump-voters who recognize that he lost the election and are ready to move on. You reach out to them.
    But instead you treat anyone you disagree with like a fool and dismiss them. Doesn't work and creates more antagonism.

  2. Imagine this: how do you achieve Jewish achdus when chasidim live in a world of magic and make-believe? Now, if I approach a random chasid on the street and decide that he's an idiot who believes in supernatural rebbes and talking frogs, then I might miss that he's actually a decent fellow with rational thoughts. By antagonising him I force him to retreat into his irrational community and lose the chance of having a meaningful discussion with him.
    By assuming Trump's voters are this monolithic block of deplorables, you are being simple-minded and hateful and destroying any chance of national reconciliation.

  3. I didn't review the video.

    The question the headline poses is valid.

    Donal Trump's parting shot is to trash the widespread trust that many Americans had that national elections were fair and honest.

    Donald Trump never had to bring into question enough votes that in theory could change the outcome of the election. He just had to show that there was enough fraud and irregularities that in a close election these fraudulent and irregular votes would have made an impact on the outcome.

    This he has done magnificently. Now Mr..Trump can leave office using his tried and true formula of loosely quoting facts while simultaneously spinning, exaggerating, and embellishing them -- and then denying he's doing anything more than contemplating possibilities.

    He will say with certainty that he won -- maybe.


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