Wednesday, November 25, 2020

COVID Vaccine Side Effects Include High Fever, Body Aches and Bad Headaches

 As the world inches closer to effective COVID-19 vaccines becoming available, public health experts are warning that people should be prepared for the possibility that they could experience severe, but ultimately unharmful, side effects after being given the vaccines.

Vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer, both given in two doses approximately one month apart, could soon be approved for public use after data released from clinical trials showed that they may be up to 95 percent effective in providing immunity against the virus. While neither vaccine is believed to come with significant life-threatening side effects, experts are warning that those who receive the vaccines should be ready for unpleasant but temporary reactions.

1 comment:

  1. This is not controversial.
    The modern smallpox vaccine had a 1:10000 fatality rate. Thing is, smallpox had a 1:3 fatality rate so we vaccinated.
    The Shingrix vaccine against shingles can cause severe muscle pain in the injected area for up to 2-3 days after. But shingles can cause post-neuropathic pain severe enough to induce suicidal thoughts and only partially responsive to medications for decades. So we vaccinate.
    The FB meme is the best response: Caution: vaccines cause life.


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