Sunday, November 15, 2020

As Donald Trump Refuses to Concede, America Is Caught Between Crisis and Confusion

 Under normal circumstances, few Americans would know Emily Murphy’s name. The head of the General Services Administration (GSA) is the ultimate Washington bureaucrat, responsible for signing the leases and procuring the supplies that keep the Executive Branch running. “I am not here to garner headlines or make a name for myself,” she testified in 2017. “My goal is to do my part in making the federal government more efficient, effective and responsive to the American people.” The Senate unanimously confirmed her to her post, which she has held ever since.

But in the days after Joe Biden was determined to have won the presidential election, Murphy found herself at the center of the most tumultuous transfer of power in decades. Media outlets from the Associated Press to Fox News called Biden the winner on Nov. 7, assessing that despite the usual isolated irregularities and a smattering of lawsuits, it was mathematically impossible for Donald Trump to overcome his vote deficit in enough states to change the Electoral College result. But Trump has refused to concede, and has conjured fantasies of widespread fraud for which he has provided no proof. Taking their cues, nearly all Republican officials have refused to recognize Biden’s victory until Trump’s challenges are exhausted. And Murphy has so far declined to issue the letter, known as an “ascertainment,” that would formally allow the presidential transition to begin.




  1. How do I say this in a circumspect way without being offensive? Maybe I should just keep it to myself. The risk of causing others distress is not worth the benefit of what one lone individual wants to convey.


  2. A lie repeated is still a lie. The President will be chosen by the vote of the Electoral College, not the opinion of the major television networks. There is no obligation on the part of the Republicans to recognize Biden's victory until that happens because it won't be official until then. The day after the College votes, you can start complaining.

  3. More nonsense! There is no lie involved. Just Trump's hurt feelings and wishful thinking

    Everyone knows the difference between official and inevitable. The accepted practice is to treat the two interchangeably for obvious benefits for a smooth transition. Just like the Republicans came up with a rule - no picking of Supreme Court justices before an election Even though there is no such rule and they broke it themselves when it was for their power. Same here, they complained about sore losers for four years but if Trump refuses to concede reality - than that is because it isn't official yet - total hypocrites and sore losers.!

  4. There is a fundamental difference between Trump refusing to concede and the Democrats' apparent inability to come to terms with Trump's victory four years ago.

    Donald Trump managed somehow to remake the Republican party in his mold. And the Trump brand must never be associated with loss. Not admitting defeat has nothing to do with the Constitution or democracy. This is all about Donald Trump being on top. Always.

    The Democrats, on the other hand, were hurting because they were out of power. They resented the fact that Donald Trump had the power they felt rightfully belonged to them.

    Donald Trump will leave office convinced he won and was cheated out of his right to run the country four more years. I predict he will not attend the inauguration. He will spend the next four years maintaining that Joe Biden is a pretender.

    In other words, expect a reality TV show starring President Donald Trump , perhaps called, "Pirates of Washington", featuring attacks on Deep State, fraudulent and irregular elections, and, of coure, the Fake News.


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