Thursday, October 15, 2020

White House official pushes back on Trump's Barr critique, claiming AG ‘saved his presidency'

 Trump also called the conclusion of an investigation into unmasking requests made by the Obama administration on some names in classified documents a “disgrace,” after a veteran federal prosecutor tapped by Barr – U.S. Attorney John Durham – declined to bring charges.

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling pretty good. Seems like I bet right by defending Mr. Trump for years here. Mr. Biden has a lot to answer for with the new evidence coming out.

    And Mr. Trump was 100% justified in trying to protect us from Mr. Biden by investigating the Ukraine angle.

    Ah, yes...I'm feeling go-o-o-d.

    Maybe there is not enough evidence to convince a jury but there is plenty of evidence to keep things brewing for months to come.


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