Monday, October 26, 2020

Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein condemns Trump

While a majority of Orthodox Jews are expected to vote for Donald Trump in next week’s U.S. presidential election, a major Israeli Orthodox rabbi who also has a large following in the United States strongly condemned the president in an interview this week.

Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein, one of the heads of Yeshivat Har Etzion, questioned Trump’s mental and moral fitness in an interview with the Israeli magazine Makor Rishon.

“This is a mentally disturbed person without any inhibition or judgement who controls the button of the the most powerful nuclear weapons in the world — and here people applaud him for opening an embassy in Jerusalem,” Lichtenstein said.

“They don’t stop for a moment to think about the moral damage that he inflicts on the United States, or even on the world. They don’t ask how it’s possible to abandon the fate of humanity to such an unbalanced man, who doesn’t recognize the concepts of truth and falsehood,” he said.

“All of this will harm us, even if there’s an embassy in Jerusalem,” he added.


  1. Yes, we must mourn all those nuclear bomb victims of the past 4 years under Donald Trump, the only US President in decades to REMOVE US troops from the Middle East. Now a moment of silence for all 0 of those nuke victims.

  2. So is he a Gadol now? His brother is, becasue he decided to go Brisk.

  3. not so! More fake news!


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