Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Jared Kushner's very revealing comment on Black Americans' desire for success


 "One thing we've seen in a lot of the Black community, which is mostly Democrat, is that President (Donald) Trump's policies are the policies that can help people break out of the problems that they're complaining about," senior White House adviser Jared Kushner said Monday morning on Fox News. "But he can't want them to be successful more than they want to be successful."

 On Monday, Democratic National Committee National press secretary Brandon Gassaway issued a sharp rebuke of Kushner and his ilk.

"This dismissive approach to the issues that Black voters care about is indicative of Trump's callousness and disregard for the lives of Black people," Gassaway said in a statement. "We cannot afford another four years of a White House that does not take our voices seriously and tells us to be grateful for whatever scraps are left over from the bargaining table."



  1. He's not wrong.
    The "official" Black leadership pushes the "victim culture" narrative. There is systemic racism. Success is reserved for Whites, especially males. Why bother trying when the deck is stacked against you? You can't win so push for a revolution to overthrow the system or sit back and collect your welfare cheque.
    Why did the Jewish community, which 100 years ago was a poor one and subject to terrible anti-Semitism, turn into the most successful immigrant community in the world? Why is it that poor Asian immigrants, who were also discriminated against, within a generation of arriving, become successful and filthy rich? Why is it that, 150 years after the end of slavery, Blacks are still living in "ghettos" and complained about how the system keeps them down?
    Because Jewish and Asian parents took advantage of every opportunity. Excellence in school. Excellence in university. Grab every opportunity. And Black parents were told - if you try to succeed in the White man's world, you're just going to be a fake Whitey.
    Look at Ben Carson - neurosurgeon, presidential candidate, and a race traitor because he did what every Jewish and Asian parents wants their children to do - played Whitey's game and won.
    The Black community has to develop this same desperate need to succeed.

  2. sounds like the party line except you forgot to mention how wonderful slavery was since it turned barbarians and savages into good Christians like their saintly benevolent masters

  3. Slavery was a horror and no one is suggesting otherwise. Slavery ended 150 years ago and the Black community is still blaming it for their troubles today. The Holocaust ended in 1945 and in 1948 we showed we were over it.

  4. Wow! You are insisting that everyone is the same and that all traumas are equivalent. we had the holocaust - they had slavery. So if someone had a bad experience in Iraq or sexual abuse you would say to them "get over it" and be like the Jews. Doesn't work that way!


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