Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Jared Kushner has some thoughts on Black success and they’re definitely not the delusions of a spoiled white brat

 Jared Kushner is a privileged white man whose greatest accomplishments include being born into a privileged family and then marrying into an even more privileged one. Somehow, this makes him think he’s qualified to lecture Black people about how to make it in America. So much so that he effectively implied that Black Americans don't want to be successful on Fox News this morning.



  1. I think the average Black person wants to be successful. I think the average militant Black leader doesn't want the average Black person to be successful.
    You want an example close to home? Look at the average Chareidi person and the average Chareidi leader. The average Chareidi person wants to live a decent life and not have to worry where his next meal is coming from or if he'll be able to pay the bills for his children. He'd probably like a job and the stable income that comes with that.
    And the average Chareidi leader? He shouts about full-time learning and the purity of Torah. Remember the meeting between Rav Shteinman, z"l, and a big American benefactor who wanted to build a Chareidi trade college? Rav Shteinman shouted that it was better to live in poverty and be pure in Torah and forbid the institution.
    Why? Because a poor, ignorant population is a compliant population. An educated and self-sufficient population demands accountability and benefit from its leaders.
    Look next door at all the Arab countries. For decades, their incompetent and corrupt leaders kept the population poor and illiterate and used Israel as a convenient scapegoat. We can't run a decent society! We have to put all our money into protecting ourselves from the Jews. How did that work out for them?
    It's the same in the Black community in the States. If Blacks shoved themselves forward like Jews did 60-70 years ago there is no doubt they'd reach the same levels, probably just as quickly, as we did. But then their leaders would have to be accountable and provide benefit.
    No public interest group ever wants its problems to be solved because then there would be no more need for that group to exists. That's why anti-poverty groups keep upping the definition of poverty when the government addresses their concerns. They want to stay employed.
    And it's the same with the "Blacks as victims" industry. They want to keep their jobs and that means keeping Blacks convinced that they can't succeed.

  2. I don't think Kushner is the first person to say that the US has raised a generation of people who want everything on a platter. So Kushner said it about blacks. If he wasn't on Trump's side no one would have made a big deal of it except some blacks.

  3. Kushner committed two crimes. First, saying something true about blacks, second, being Trump's son-in-law.

  4. Ultra-orthodox - a pejorative term?


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