Thursday, October 29, 2020

Is Netanyahu dumping Trump? - opinion

 Netanyahu, who is more fluent in many more languages than Trump, including English, has no doubt seen the writing on the wall, and in both directions it says Joe Biden has a good chance of becoming the next US president.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been doing some of that writing on the wall himself, also took a slap at Trump this week when he exonerated the Bidens, declaring, “I don’t see anything criminal” about any business Hunter Biden might have done in Russia or Ukraine. Trump’s hysterical accusations of a Biden family criminal conspiracy, fed by a deranged Rudy Giuliani, have been crumbling.The US poll numbers Netanyahu has been reading show not only that Republicans could be in for a drubbing (I stopped making predictions after I said Hillary Clinton was a sure thing four years ago), but Jewish voters are once again expected to vote three-to-one Democratic.Trump and a Republican Congress were Netanyahu’s protection in the past. No foreign leader has embraced Trump and the GOP more tightly than this Israeli premier.

1 comment:

  1. Backstabbing and ship jumping is standard in politics.
    Here in Ontario, the Liberal party ruled for 15 years and spent all the time mollifying the Teacher Unions. Gave in to their every demand, paid their legal bills. And in the last election, when it became obvious the Liberals were going to lose, the Unions switch to the socialist party. Nothing personal. Go with the winner every time.


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