Saturday, October 31, 2020

Historian who correctly predicted every election since 1984 makes his call


  1. Fascinating but no system is foolproof.
    Interestingly, a new poll out today totally changes the picture. Apparently there's been a concern that a significant part of Biden's support in polls so far has come from Trump voters who say they will vote for Biden because they're afraid of being slurred or attacked if they admit they'll vote for Trump. A new pollsters at claims to have a system that allows voters to be more honest and these polls show Trump leading by 0.5-1% in most swing states.
    So who really knows?

  2. That happened in UK in previous elections, when voters felt threatened by left wing reshaim.

  3. Actually no, we won't. The physical vote is in a few days but it'll take 3-4 weeks for all the mail-in ballots to arrive and get counted. Then the legal challenges will begin - anything other than a landslide for Biden will be "proof" that Trump actually won and that the Dem's are trying to steal the election. If Trump wins narrowly, the large cities will explode in anger after he "steals" another election (ie wins). And again, short of a Biden landslide, you have the prospect of Trump refusing to leave the White House on January 29 2021 so no, this is going to be prolonged agony.
    Perhaps that's why the jihadis are striking now in France. As of Tuesday, the best they'll get is page 10.


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