Monday, October 26, 2020

Florida is on the verge of a COVID-19 resurgence

Florida’s COVID-19 death rate since the pandemic began is ninth among states, tied with Illinois, at 76 deaths per 100,000 people, according to the CDC. That’s higher than Texas (60) and California (43). A rate for New York State including New York City is unavailable.

Over the past three months, Florida’s death rate per 100,000 people has tripled, CDC data show. It was 25.9 on July 25. California then had 20.3 deaths per 100,000 and Texas 15.8 deaths.


  1. Except that since August 24, Florida has had consistent low daily levels of new cases and the active case load continues to fall. Sorry, go spend more time looking at California.

    Both cases and deaths are still rising in Florida - what is your source?


    First of all, case counts are always rising. Let's say for the next 10 days there are no new cases and then on day 11 there's 2. What's the headline? Case count rising again!
    What you want is the daily and weekly averages and to compare new vs recovered cases. Look at Israel, for example. On oct 17 you had 1961 new cases and 10031 recovered which means the total caseload, which is what you really want to know, dropped. But if all they reported was 1961 new cases, you didn't get the full picture.

  4. hopkinds shows deaths are also rising

  5. how long after Biden being elected will the pandemic end? He will only be President l'maaseh in January. But estimates are that the vaccine will be ready then. So will get bragging rights if the vaccine works or is it because he is the new l'havdil "Kohen gadol", and his words are curing the sick and not the vacine itself. the vaccine is only kli, and it is Biden's second coming that will bring health and peace to the wrold.


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