Thursday, September 3, 2020

Ultra-Orthodox press calls for virus czar’s resignation over rebuke of top rabbi

 Ultra-Orthodox newspapers on Thursday condemned Israel’s coronavirus czar Ronni Gamzu and called for his ouster, after he denounced a prominent rabbi who reportedly told yeshiva students not to get tested for the disease.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, considered among the most important leaders of the non-Hasidic branch of ultra-Orthodox Jewry in Israel, expressed concern that the testing process would take students away from their studies and that positive results would require those who came in contact with the patient to quarantine, further disrupting yeshiva life, according to the Kikar HaShabat website.



  1. There may be some merits to this statement, but he must surely know how the secular will react to it. They will accuse hareidi of ignoring the and safety of the klal.

  2. Seriously, this is like trying to handle a spoiled child who insists on playing with matches and screams bloody murder when you won't let him. At some point, isn't just giving him a big smack across the face the only answer?

  3. >expressed concern that the testing process would take students away from their studies and that positive results would require those who came in contact with the patient to quarantine, further disrupting yeshiva life
    Read straight, this has got to be the stupidest logic I've read all week.

  4. They don't care. When you have Daas Torah, you don't have to care what other people think.


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