Thursday, September 17, 2020

There's Only Weak Evidence For Vitamin-D As a COVID-19 Preventative—But Scientists Are Trying to Learn More

 To protect himself from COVID-19, Dr. Anthony Fauci has long said he’s skipping hugs and handshakes, wearing a mask, and staying off of planes. Last week, he acknowledged adding another step to protect his health: taking supplements of vitamin-D.

 However, while spurious claims that vitamin-D can prevent or treat COVID-19 have proliferated online, including some recommending potentially dangerous doses, it’s important to point out that Fauci wasn’t talking about vitamin-D helping with COVID-19 in particular. Instead, he was speaking more broadly about vitamin-D’s importance in caring for our immune system. Vitamin-D is important for our musculoskeletal health and immune function, but it’s far from clear whether boosting our intake can ward off or treat COVID-19 in particular. At this point, the National Institutes of Health says there isn’t enough evidence to recommend using vitamin-D to prevent or treat COVID-19, but it also says there isn’t enough evidence to recommend against it, either.



  1. Here's what'll happen - Trump will announce that vitamin D prevents CoVID infections. All "responsible" scientists will immediately halt all trials looking at vitamin D and viral infections. All "responsible" funding agencies will announce that they will not approve money for any vitamin D studies. CNN will announce that vitamin D is, in fact, dangerous and should not be taken except in documented cases of deficiency.
    Oh, and vote Biden, okay?

  2. according to your warped sevora if Trump said breathing is scientists would stop breathing!
    There are more significant issues involved

  3. No, I think your assessment is right. If Trump came out against smoking, scientists would feverishly look for any data to show benefit. If Trump said breathing was beneficial, we'd get studies showing that in fact it's not healthy even though its unavoidable.

  4. just about every disease there is, people tend to have low Vit D. However, not proven yet whther taking Vit d can treat any of those diseases, - except for rickets.


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